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Created March 12, 2012 07:16
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FPDI extension to preserve external hyperlinks
// FPDI extension that preserves hyperlinks when copying PDF pages.
// (c) 2012, Andrey Tarantsov <>, provided under the MIT license.
// Published at:
// Note: the free version of FPDI requires unprotected PDFs conforming to spec version 1.4.
// I use qpdf ( to preprocess PDFs before running through this
// code, invoking it like this:
// qpdf --decrypt --stream-data=uncompress --force-version=1.4 src.pdf temp.pdf
// then, after processing temp.pdf into out.pdf with FPDI, I run the following to re-establish
// protection:
// qpdf --encrypt "" "" 40 --extract=n -- out.pdf final.pdf
class FPDI_with_annots extends FPDI {
// default maxdepth prevents an infinite recursion on malformed PDFs (not theoretical, actually found in the wild)
function resolve(&$parser, $smt, $maxdepth=10) {
if ($maxdepth == 0)
return $smt;
if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
$result = $parser->pdf_resolve_object($parser->c, $smt);
return $this->resolve($parser, $result, $maxdepth-1);
} else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJECT) {
return $this->resolve($parser, $smt[1], $maxdepth-1);
} else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY) {
$result = array();
foreach ($smt[1] as $item) {
$result[] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
$smt[1] = $result;
return $smt;
} else if ($smt[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
$result = array();
foreach ($smt[1] as $key => $item) {
$result[$key] = $this->resolve($parser, $item, $maxdepth-1);
$smt[1] = $result;
return $smt;
} else {
return $smt;
function findPageNoForRef(&$parser, $pageRef) {
$ref_obj = $pageRef[1]; $ref_gen = $pageRef[2];
foreach ($parser->pages as $index => $page) {
$page_obj = $page['obj']; $page_gen = $page['gen'];
if ($page_obj == $ref_obj && $page_gen == $ref_gen) {
return $index + 1;
return -1;
function importPage($pageno, $boxName = '/CropBox') {
$tplidx = parent::importPage($pageno, $boxName);
$tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
$parser =& $tpl['parser'];
// look for hyperlink annotations and store them in the template
if (isset($parser->pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'])) {
$annots = $parser->pages[$pageno - 1][1][1]['/Annots'];
$annots = $this->resolve($parser, $annots);
$links = array();
foreach ($annots[1] as $annot) if ($annot[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
// all links look like: << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect [...] ... >>
if ($annot[1]['/Type'][1] == '/Annot' && $annot[1]['/Subtype'][1] == '/Link') {
$rect = $annot[1]['/Rect'];
if ($rect[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && count($rect[1]) == 4) {
$x = $rect[1][0][1]; $y = $rect[1][1][1];
$x2 = $rect[1][2][1]; $y2 = $rect[1][3][1];
$w = $x2 - $x; $h = $y2 - $y;
$h = -$h;
if (isset($annot[1]['/A'])) {
$A = $annot[1]['/A'];
if ($A[0] == PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY && isset($A[1]['/S'])) {
$S = $A[1]['/S'];
// << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /URI /URI ... >> >>
if ($S[1] == '/URI' && isset($A[1]['/URI'])) {
$URI = $A[1]['/URI'];
if (is_string($URI[1])) {
$uri = str_replace("\\000", '', trim($URI[1]));
if (!empty($uri)) {
$links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $uri);
// << /Type /Annot ... /A << /S /GoTo /D [%d 0 R /Fit] >> >>
} else if ($S[1] == '/GoTo' && isset($A[1]['/D'])) {
$D = $A[1]['/D'];
if ($D[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && count($D[1]) > 0 && $D[1][0][0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
$target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $D[1][0]);
if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
$links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);
} else if (isset($annot[1]['/Dest'])) {
$Dest = $annot[1]['/Dest'];
// << /Type /Annot ... /Dest [42 0 R ...] >>
if ($Dest[0] == PDF_TYPE_ARRAY && $Dest[0][1][0] == PDF_TYPE_OBJREF) {
$target_pageno = $this->findPageNoForRef($parser, $Dest[0][1][0]);
if ($target_pageno >= 0) {
$links[] = array($x, $y, $w, $h, $target_pageno);
$tpl['links'] = $links;
// echo "Links on page $pageno:\n";
// print_r($links);
return $tplidx;
function useTemplate($tplidx, $_x = null, $_y = null, $_w = 0, $_h = 0, $adjustPageSize = false) {
$result = parent::useTemplate($tplidx, $_x, $_y, $_w, $_h, $adjustPageSize);
// apply links from the template
$tpl =& $this->tpls[$tplidx];
if (isset($tpl['links'])) {
foreach ($tpl['links'] as $link) {
// $link[4] is either a string (external URL) or an integer (page number)
if (is_int($link[4])) {
$l = $this->AddLink();
$this->SetLink($l, 0, $link[4]);
$link[4] = $l;
$this->PageLinks[$this->page][] = $link;
return $result;
// uses FPDI to append another PDF file, watermarking each page with a message
class FPDI_AppendWithWatermark extends FPDI_with_annots {
function AppendPDFWithWatermarkMessage($file, $message) {
$pagecount = $this->setSourceFile($file);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagecount; $i++) {
$tplidx = $this->ImportPage($i);
$s = $this->getTemplatesize($tplidx);
$this->AddPage('P', array($s['w'], $s['h']));
// watermark (a message printed vertically along the left margin)
$this->SetXY(6, -28);
$this->SetTextColor(102, 102, 102);
$this->SetFont('Arial', '', 8);
$this->Cell(0, 5, utf8_decode($message),'',1,'L');
$this->Rotate(0); // outputs Q to balance "q" added by the previous call to Rotate
// combines FPDI_AppendWithWatermark and qpdf to watermark existing PDF files
function personalize_pdf($source_file, $output_file, $temp_file, $message, $debug_mode = FALSE) {
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.UTF-8"); // otherwise escapeshellarg() strips non-ASCII characters
// see the comments in FPDI_with_annots as to why we have to run this
$cmd = sprintf('qpdf --decrypt --stream-data=uncompress --force-version=1.4 %s %s', escapeshellarg($source_file), escapeshellarg($temp_file));
$output = shell_exec($cmd);
if (!file_exists($temp_file) || filesize($temp_file) == 0) {
if ($debug_mode) die("Error occurred while running:\n$cmd\n\nOutput:\n$output");
return FALSE;
$pdf = new FPDI_AppendWithWatermark();
// make debugging easier by leaving the output file uncompressed
if ($debug_mode) $pdf->SetCompression(FALSE);
$pdf->AppendPDFWithWatermarkMessage($temp_file, $message);
$pdf->Output($temp_file, 'F');
if ($debug_mode) {
// make debugging easier by omitting the final processing step
copy($temp_file, $output_file);
} else {
$cmd = sprintf('qpdf --encrypt "" "" 40 --extract=n -- %s %s', escapeshellarg($temp_file), escapeshellarg($output_file));
$output = shell_exec($cmd);
if (!file_exists($output_file) || filesize($output_file) == 0) {
if ($debug_mode) die("Error occurred while running:\n$cmd\n\nOutput:\n$output");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
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igorsgm commented Apr 13, 2021

If you guys are looking for a newer solution using FPDI 2.3 and TCPDF 6.4+, take a look at this answer:

Supporting both internal and external annotation links (hyperlinks)

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