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Sending FFmpeg output to HTTP, via Python's Flash
Streaming FFmpeg to HTTP, via Python's Flask.
This is an incredibly simple example, which will yield issues due to inconsistant input and output rates.
If you're going to use this, VLC works okay as a client.
You really need to move FFmpeg into a separate thread, which should help stream audio more consistantly to the HTTP client.
Example by Anthony Eden (
from flask import Flask
from flask import stream_with_context, request, Response
import subprocess
import time
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
def generate():
startTime = time.time()
buffer = []
sentBurst = False
ffmpeg_command = ["ffmpeg", "-f", "avfoundation", "-i", ":2", "-acodec", "libmp3lame", "-ab", "32k", "-ac", "1", "-f", "mpeg", "pipe:stdout"]
process = subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize = -1)
while True:
# Get some data from ffmpeg
line =
# We buffer everything before outputting it
# Minimum buffer time, 3 seconds
if sentBurst is False and time.time() > startTime + 3 and len(buffer) > 0:
sentBurst = True
for i in range(0, len(buffer) - 2):
print "Send initial burst #", i
yield buffer.pop(0)
elif time.time() > startTime + 3 and len(buffer) > 0:
yield buffer.pop(0)
if isinstance(process.returncode, int):
if process.returncode > 0:
print 'FFmpeg Error', p.returncode
return Response(stream_with_context(generate()), mimetype = "audio/mpeg")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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