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Last active March 30, 2019 14:33
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Shit and cum
import numpy as np
def gauss(A, B):
n = len(A)
def argmax(A):
i, m = 0, A[0]
for j, a in enumerate(A):
if a > m:
i, m = j, a
return i
def forward_elimination(M):
for i in range(n):
column_max = argmax(A[i:,i]) + i # pick max element in fixed column within all rows
M[[i, column_max]] = M[[column_max, i]] # swap first and column_max rows
M[i] /= M[i, i] # normalize first row
for j in range(i + 1, n):
M[j] -= M[i] * M[j, i] # eliminate i-th variable
return M
def back_substitution(M):
for i in range(n-2, -1, -1):
for j in range(i + 1, n):
M[i] -= M[j] * M[i, j]
return M
B = np.expand_dims(B, axis=0) # necessary for concatenate
M = np.concatenate((A, B.T), axis=1)
return back_substitution(forward_elimination(M))[:, -1] # return answer only
def simple_iterative(A, b, epsilon):
def norm_1_matrix(A):
n = len(A)
return max([sum([abs(A[i, j]) for i in range(n)]) for j in range(n)])
def norm_1_vec(v):
return sum([abs(x) for x in v])
def is_positive_definite(A):
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
return False
return True
if not is_positive_definite(A):
A, b =, A),, b)
mu = 1 / norm_1_matrix(A)
B, c = np.identity(len(A)) - mu*A, mu*b
x0 = c
while 1:
x1 =, x0) + c
if norm_1_vec(x0 - x1) < epsilon:
return x1
x0 = x1
# bad conditioned matrix, simple iterative should have a very poor accuracy
def bad(sz, eps, n):
assert sz > 0
val = eps * n
A = np.full((sz, sz), val)
for i in range(sz):
A[i, i] += 1
for j in range(i + 1, sz):
A[i, j] = -1 - val
b = np.full(sz, -1)
b[-1] = 1
return A, b
# well conditioned matrix, simple iterative should give a great accuracy
def good(n):
A = np.array([
[n+2, 1, 1],
[1, n+4, 1],
[1, 1, n+6]
], 'float')
b = np.array([n+4, n+6, n+8])
return A, b
def pretty_print(A, b, eps):
print("Matrix:", A, sep='\n')
print("Coefficient column:", b)
print("Gaussian method:", gauss(A, b))
print("Simple iteration method: ", simple_iterative(A, b, eps))
def test():
n, eps, = 16, 10**(-6)
A, b = good(n)
pretty_print(A, b, eps)
for i in range(2, 6):
A_, b_ = bad(i, 10**(-1 - i), n)
pretty_print(A_, b_, eps)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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