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Last active January 28, 2020 13:22
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Show memory usage of Hyper-V machines and processes (merged with same name)
$isAdmin = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] `
$aliases = @{
"Steam"=@("steamwebhelper", "Steam");
"Microsoft Edge"=@("MicrosoftEdge", "MicrosoftEdgeCP", "msedge");
"Service Host"=@("svchost");
"Visual Studio"=@("devenv", "ServiceHub.RoslynCodeAnalysisService32");
function From-Alias {
$found = $aliases.GetEnumerator() |
Where-Object {$_.Value.Contains($name)} |
if ($found -eq $null) {
return $name
return $found.Key
function AddToTable {
$key = From-Alias $key
if (-not $all.ContainsKey($key)) {
$all.Item($key) = @{}
$all.Item($key).Memory += $memory
$all = @{}
if ($isAdmin) {
Get-VM | % { AddToTable ($_.VMName+" [VM]") $_.MemoryAssigned }
} else {
Write-Host "Must be elevated to show VM usage"
Get-Process |
Group-Object ProcessName |
Select-Object -Property Group |
% {$_.Group | % { AddToTable $_.Name $_.WorkingSet } }
$all.GetEnumerator() |
Sort-Object { $_.Value.Memory } -Descending |
Select-Object -First 10 -Property Name,
@{Name="Assigned MB"; Expression={[math]::Truncate(($_.Value.Memory / 1MB)) }},
@{Name="Instances"; Expression={ $_.Value.Count }} |
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