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Last active April 14, 2024 20:57
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  • Save andriilive/afe5221e771480d4238a32fd14dc959e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Install brew

# Create iCloud folder alias in user home
cd ~ && ln -s "$HOME/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs" iCloud

# Brew install
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# Symlink the BrewFile 
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/Brewfile ~/

# set the Transmit settings folder paths
TP_SETTINGS_FOLDER="$HOME/Library/Application Support/Transmit"

# backup Transmit 5 settings folder and move to iCloud

# create symlink from iCloud Transmit folder to the original location

# Install from ~/Brewfile and restart the services
brew bundle install
brew services restart

# Link the ssh keys
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/ssh ~/.ssh

# Link the .env
cd ~
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/.env
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/.npmrc

ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/.zprofile
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/.bash_profile
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/.profile

ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/.zshrc
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/.bashrc

ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/.gitconfig_intel .gitconfig
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/.gitignore

# Copilot creds
cd ~/.config/github-copilot
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/config/github-copilot/hosts.json

# GH CLI creds
cd ~/.config/gh
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/config/gh/hosts.yml
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/config/gh/config.yml

# Micro
cd ~/.config/micro
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/config/micro/bindings.json
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/config/micro/settings.json

# Bat
cd ~/.config
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/config/bat

# Composer
mkdir ~/.composer
cd ~/.composer
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/composer/config.json

mkdir ~/.wp-cli
cd ~/.wp-cli
ln -s ~/iCloud/dotenv/wp-cli/config.yml

NVM Setup

nvm install node --lts
nvm install 18
nvm install 20
nvm install 14
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