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Last active December 17, 2015 08:49
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Save andrijac/5582979 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#TODO: add attribute for PrimaryKey
#TODO: add attribute for GeneratedColumns
#TODO: add attribute for XmlElement
fileName = ARGV[0]
types =
types[/bit/] = 'bool'
types[/decimal/] = 'decimal'
types[/varchar\([0-9]\)/] = 'string'
types[/nvarchar\([0-9]+\)/] = 'string'
types[/char\([0-9]+\)/] = 'string'
types[/int/] = 'int'
types[/int/] = 'int'
types[/datetime/] = 'DateTime'
types[/tinyint/] = 'byte'
#constants template
tempConst = 'public const string %{name}ColumnKey = "%{name}";' + "\n"
#properties template
tempProp = "[ColumnInfo(%{name}ColumnKey)]\n"\
"public %{type} %{name}\n"\
#prepare for iteration through lines
text =
output1 = '';
output2 = '';
text.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n")
text.each_line do |line|
arr = line.split(/\s+/)
#TODO: check if line/values are empty, skip if true
#TODO: strip [] if found in property/column name
# constant string build
output1 << tempConst % { :name => arr[0] }
# default type if not found in hash
# set to string1 on purpose, so we get the warning that type is not found
type = 'string1';
# match a type in hash
types.each do |key, value|
if key.match(arr[1])
type = value
# property string build
output2 << tempProp % { :name => arr[0], :type => type }
print output1 + output2
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