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Created February 10, 2023 08:14
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Old Eggdrop script I made for handling a busy Icelandic IRC channel
# nosense.tcl by Andri Oskarsson
# -
# - Merlin@IRCnet
# designed to detect lines that are not classified as an actual conversation
# - It currently detects: caps, repeat, colors, bold, reverse, disturbance and more
# To mark channels for nosense detection do like (.chanset #channel +nosense)
# Lets make it so
setudef flag nosense
# Points - How many points for violations
set ns_points(caps) 10 ;# f.e. "MOMMY LOVES DADDY!!!"
set ns_points(colors) 3 ;# any lines with colored text
set ns_points(chanads) 9 ;# words with the # sign
set ns_points(bold) 0 ;# any lines with bold text
set ns_points(reverse) 3 ;# any lines with reverse text
set ns_points(disturb) 3 ;# f.e. "!!!!!!!" or "???????" or "........"
set ns_points(slap) 4 ;# f.e. "/me slaps Isgate around with a large trout
set ns_points(repeat) 10 ;# Repeats the same text line after line
set ns_points(largewords) 5 ;# Abnormally long words without spaces
set ns_points(hugewords) 16 ;# Abnormally long words without spaces 2
set ns_points(chanadsmax) 16 ;# f.e. "#channel #channel #channel"
# Other settings
set ns_settings(kick_on) 10
set ns_settings(ban_on) 16
set ns_settings(kickmsg) "Spark fyrir reglubrot"
set ns_settings(banmsg) "Bann fyrir reglubrot"
set ns_settings(forget_time) 5 ;#Forget time in minutes
set ns_settings(forget_count) 5 ;# How many points to forget
set ns_settings(largewords_max) 30 ;# Abnormaly long words (mini)
set ns_settings(hugewords_max) 45 ;# Abnormaly long words (maxy)
set ns_settings(maxcaps) 80 ;# Percentage of caps (or higher) characters to punish
set ns_settings(ccminline) 5 ;# If charachers do not exceed 5 characters charcheck will return 0
# Strip sings - Letters or text that should be stripped for repeat detection
# - So "yo momah!" and "yo momah!!" would be treated as the same text
set ns_striptags(1) "!"
set ns_striptags(2) "?"
set ns_striptags(3) "\."
set ns_striptags(4) ","
set ns_striptags(5) "#"
set ns_striptags(6) "<"
set ns_striptags(7) ">"
set ns_striptags(8) "/"
set ns_striptags(9) "-"
set ns_striptags(10) "_"
# And now for the script - Do not edit anything below this line or the script might stop functioning
# Lets start with the binds
bind PUBM - * nosense:parse_text
bind CTCP - ACTION nosense:pubact
bind DCC o nslist nosense:nslist
# This line lets us check /me lines as well for any nosense :)
proc nosense:pubact {nick uhost hand dest key arg} {
nosense:parse_text $nick $uhost $hand $dest $arg
# Now for the checking
proc nosense:parse_text {nick uhost handle channel text} {
global ns_points ns_settings ns_striptags badpoints badviolations violated badrepeat
if {![nosense:active $channel]} { return 0 }
set points 0
set violated 0
set lowertext [string tolower $text]
set uppertext [string toupper $text]
set nick [string tolower $nick]
set uhost [string tolower $uhost]
set channel [string tolower $channel]
set split_text [split $text]
# For repeat detection.. strips tags
set realtext "[nosense:realstring $text]"
# We cant do anything if the bot isnt opped so we just leave it there
if {![botisop $channel]} { return 0 }
# NOTE! for caps detection.. minlength of a string # FOR LATER #
# Chanads detection
if {[regexp -nocase {\#([a-z0-9A-Z����������������])} $text match]} {
nosense:pointstorage $uhost $channel "chanads"
# Repeat detection
if {![info exists badrepeat($nick%$uhost%$channel)]} {
set badrepeat($nick%$uhost%$channel) $realtext
} else {
if {$badrepeat($nick%$uhost%$channel) == $realtext} {
nosense:pointstorage $uhost $channel "repeat"
} else {
set badrepeat($nick%$uhost%$channel) $realtext
# Character check (caps)
if {[nosense:charcheck $text] == 1} {
nosense:pointstorage $uhost $channel "caps"
# Slap detection
if {[regexp -nocase {slaps.*around.*} $text match]} {
nosense:pointstorage $uhost $channel "slap"
# Disturbance detection
if {[regexp -nocase {(\?\?\?\?\?\?|\!\!\!\!\!|\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.)} $text match]} {
nosense:pointstorage $uhost $channel "disturb"
# Color detection
if {[string match -nocase *\003* $text]} {
nosense:pointstorage $uhost $channel "colors"
# Bold detection (will still match (b):(b))
if {[string match -nocase *\x02* $text]} {
nosense:pointstorage $uhost $channel "bold"
# Reverse detection
if {[string match -nocase *\x16* $text]} {
nosense:pointstorage $uhost $channel "reverse"
# chanads max (#CHANNEL #CHANNEL $CHANNEL) will be instantly banned
if {[regexp -nocase {\#([0-9]|[A-Z])* \#([0-9A-Z])} $text match]} {
nosense:pointstorage $uhost $channel "chanadsmax"
# Large/Huge words detection
if {[string length [lindex $split_text 0]] > $ns_settings(hugewords_max) && ![string match *http://* $text] && ![string match *www.* $text]} {
nosense:pointstorage $uhost $channel "hugewords"
} elseif {[string length [lindex $split_text 0]] > $ns_settings(largewords_max) && ![string match *http://* $text] && ![string match *www.* $text]} {
nosense:pointstorage $uhost $channel "largewords"
# Now we should check if the luser should be kicked.
if {$violated > 0} { nosense:executor $nick $uhost $channel }
# Stores the points and violations
proc nosense:pointstorage {uhost channel violation} {
global badpoints badviolations ns_points violated
if {$ns_points($violation) == 0} { return 0 }
set violated 1
if {![info exists badpoints($uhost%$channel)]} {
set badpoints($uhost%$channel) $ns_points($violation)
} else {
set badpoints($uhost%$channel) [expr $badpoints($uhost%$channel) + $ns_points($violation)]
if {![info exists badviolations($uhost%$channel)]} {
set badviolations($uhost%$channel) $violation
} else {
set badviolations($uhost%$channel) "$badviolations($uhost%$channel) $violation"
#puthelp "privmsg $channel :$uhost er me� $badpoints($uhost%$channel) stig"
#puthelp "privmsg $channel :$uhost hefur broti� $badviolations($uhost%$channel)"
proc nosense:executor {nick uhost channel} {
global badpoints badviolations ns_settings
# If the little weasel is opped on the channel we wont do anything
if {[isop $nick $channel]} { return 0 }
# Lets trim the violations a little
set newviolations [nosense:trim_violations $badviolations($uhost%$channel)]
#puthelp "privmsg $channel :$nick hefur gerst brotlegur og honum ver�ur refsa�!"
if {$badpoints($uhost%$channel) >= $ns_settings(ban_on)} {
set banmask [maskhost [getchanhost $nick $channel]]
set banmask [format "*!*%s" [string range $banmask 2 [string length $banmask]]]
putquick "mode $channel +b $banmask"
putserv "kick $channel $nick :$ns_settings(banmsg) ($newviolations)"
putloglev 7 $channel "Banned $nick from $channel ($newviolations)"
} elseif {$badpoints($uhost%$channel) >= $ns_settings(kick_on)} {
putserv "kick $channel $nick :$ns_settings(kickmsg) ($newviolations)"
putloglev 7 $channel "Kicked $nick from $channel ($newviolations)"
proc nosense:realstring {text} {
global ns_nosigns
set text [string tolower $text]
foreach {svei} [array names ns_nosigns] {
set text [string trim $text $ns_nosigns($svei)]
return $text
proc nosense:trim_violations {text} {
set total 0
foreach {tempkey} $text {
set total [expr $total + 1]
if {![info exists tempv($tempkey)]} {
set tempv($tempkey) 1
} else {
set tempv($tempkey) [expr $tempv($tempkey) + 1]
foreach {temp} [array names tempv] {
set tempnumber $tempv($temp)
if {![info exists tempstring]} {
set tempstring $temp:$tempnumber
} else {
set tempstring "$tempstring $temp:$tempnumber"
set tempstring "$tempstring total:$total"
return $tempstring
proc nosense:forget {} {
global badpoints ns_settings badrepeat badviolations
foreach {akey} [array names badpoints] {
set split_akey [split $akey %]
set auhost [lindex $split_akey 0]
set achannel [lindex $split_akey 1]
set newpoints [expr $badpoints($akey) - $ns_settings(forget_count)]
if {$newpoints <= 0} {
unset badpoints($akey)
unset badviolations($akey)
foreach {rkey} [array names badrepeat] {
set split_rkey [split $rkey %]
set rnick [lindex $split_rkey 0]
set ruhost [lindex $split_rkey 1]
set rchannel [lindex $split_rkey 2]
if {$ruhost == $auhost && $achannel == $rchannel} {
#putlog "Erasing nick: $rnick uhost: $ruhost and channel $rchannel from repeat log"
unset badrepeat($rkey)
} elseif {![onchan $rnick $rchannel]} {
unset badrepeat($rkey)
} else { set badpoints($akey) $newpoints }
if {![string match *nosense:forget* [timers]]} { timer $ns_settings(forget_time) nosense:forget }
proc nosense:nslist {handle idx text} {
global badpoints badviolations ns_settings
putidx $idx ">> NoSense TCL << kick on: $ns_settings(kick_on) ban on: $ns_settings(ban_on) >>"
foreach {akey} [array names badpoints] {
if {![info exists badviolations($akey)]} { set badviolations($akey) "" }
putidx $idx " $akey = $badpoints($akey) ([nosense:trim_violations $badviolations($akey)])"
proc nosense:charcheck {text} {
global ns_settings
# return 0 - do nothing
# return 1 - caps
# return 2 - ascii
set splitt [split $text {}]
set lastchar ""
set noalpha 0.0
set totalchars 0.0
set caps 0.0
set null 0.0
foreach {thingy} $splitt {
set thingy [string trim $thingy]
set totalchars [expr $totalchars + 1]
if {$thingy == ""} { set null [expr $null + 1] }
if {![regexp {([a-z0-9A-Z����������������])} $thingy match] && $thingy != ""} {
if {$thingy == ""} { echo "bah! $thingy" }
#echo "$thingy matcha noalpha"
set noalpha [expr $noalpha + 1]
if {![regexp {([a-z0-9��������])} $thingy match] && $thingy != ""} {
#echo "$thingy matcha caps"
set caps [expr $caps + 1]
#echo "!$thingy!"
if {$thingy == $lastchar} { #echo "$thingy er sama og $lastchar" }
set lastchar $thingy
set totalchars [expr $totalchars - $null]
set noalpha_prosenta [expr int($noalpha / $totalchars * 100)]
set caps_prosenta [expr int($caps / $totalchars * 100)]
#putlog "Caps prosenta: $caps_prosenta"
if {$caps_prosenta >= $ns_settings(maxcaps) && $totalchars > $ns_settings(ccminline)} { return 1 }
proc nosense:active {channel} {
foreach setting [channel info $channel] {
if {[regexp -- {^[\+-]} $setting]} {
if {$setting == "+nosense"} { return 1 }
return 0
if {![string match *nosense:forget* [timers]]} { timer $ns_settings(forget_time) nosense:forget }
putlog "nosense.tcl v2.01 by Merlin@IRCnet loaded"
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