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Created March 12, 2013 10:56
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  • Save andrius/5141993 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andrius/5141993 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
desc "Loads initial data (use once after migration)"
task "db:initialize" do
require './lib/initialize'
require 'fileutils'
# Print out DB log
ActiveRecord::Base.logger =
ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
YAML::load_file("#{APP_ROOT}/config/pbxes.yml").each_pair do |name,params|
Pbx.create :name => name,
:hostname_or_ip_address => params["hostname"],
:username => params["username"],
:password => params["password"],
:port => params["port"]
pbx_1 = Pbx.first
debt_reminder_trunk_1 = Trunk.create :pbx => pbx_1, :sip_peer_name => "debt_reminder_outgoing", :dial_prefix => "00"
default_business_time = BusinessTime.create :name => "Call Mon-Fri 9 to 21; Sat, Sun 11 to 19"
# Always closed!
# It is a default condition with lowest priority and will be executed it other conditions did not met.
# BusinessTimeMember.create :business_time => business_time, :item => closed_action
BusinessTimeMember.create :business_time => default_business_time, :item_id => nil
# Make calls on business days (Monday to Friday) from 9:00 to 21:00,
# on weekends (Sunday and Saturday) from 11:00 to 19:00
# 0 - Sun, 6 - Sat
0.upto(6) do |day|
time_from, time_to = if day == 0 || day == 6 then
#[Time.parse("11:00:00"), Time.parse("18:59:59")]
[Time.parse("00:00:00"), Time.parse("23:59:59")]
#[Time.parse("9:00:00"), Time.parse("20:59:59")]
[Time.parse("00:00:00"), Time.parse("23:59:59")]
# item_id 0 = continue dialplan!
# BusinessTimeMember.create :business_time => business_time,
# :item_id => 0, :weekday => day,
# :time_from => "6:00", :time_to => "17:00"
BusinessTimeMember.create :business_time => default_business_time, :item_id => 0,
:weekday => day, :time_from => time_from, :time_to => time_to
audios = {}
FileUtils.rm_rf "/var/lib/asterisk/audiofiles/_mohs" rescue nil
FileUtils.rm_rf "/var/lib/asterisk/audiofiles" rescue nil
FileUtils.mkdir_p "/var/lib/asterisk/audiofiles/_mohs"
FileUtils.mkdir_p "/var/lib/asterisk/audiofiles/audios"
%w(hello sorry-youre-having-problems your-account has not-enough-credit
if-you-need-help call someone-you-trust1 auth-thankyou goodbye
).each do |name|
key = name.gsub(/-| /,"_").to_sym
audio = AudioFile.create :name => key, :audio =>"/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/#{name}.wav", "r")
audio.convert :realtime => false
audios[key] = audio
introduction = AudioPhrase.create :audio1 => audios[:hello],
:audio2 => audios[:sorry_youre_having_problems],
:audio3 => audios[:your_account],
:audio4 => audios[:has],
:audio5 => audios[:not_enough_credit]
conclusion = AudioPhrase.create :audio1 => audios[:if_you_need_help],
:audio2 => audios[:call],
:audio3 => audios[:someone_you_trust1],
:audio4 => audios[:auth_thankyou],
:audio5 => audios[:goodbye]
# FaxCampaign.create :name => "fax_template_1", :faxfile => "fax_template_1.tif", :business_time_id => 1
# creates a voice campaign with active state, so can start it immediately
# to start do following: rake console; Campaign.delivery_all (then ctrl-c and type 'exit')
campaign = VoiceCampaign.create :name => "Microsoft", :business_time_id => 1,
:introduction => introduction, :conclusion => conclusion, :state => "active"
CampaignTrunk.create :campaign => campaign, :trunk => debt_reminder_trunk_1
# CampaignTrunk.create :campaign => campaign, :trunk => debt_reminder_trunk_2
CampaignNumber.create :number => 37052030095, :campaign => campaign
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