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Created March 3, 2015 17:49
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VDD Reinstall playbook
- hosts: drupal_dev
document_root: d7
admin_user: root
admin_pass: root
db_name: d7
db_user: root
db_pass: root
disable_modules: overlay toolbar
enable_modules1: admin_menu
enable_modules2: admin_menu_toolbar
- name: Changing permission before delete
file: path=/var/www/{{ document_root }} state=directory mode=777 recurse=yes
sudo: yes
- name: Deleting project
file: path=/var/www/{{ document_root }} state=absent
- name: Downloading drupal
shell: "drush dl drupal-7 --drupal-project-rename='{{ document_root }}' --destination='/var/www'"
- name: Droping drupal database
mysql_db: name={{ db_name }} state=absent login_user={{ db_user }} login_password={{ db_pass }}
- name: Creating drupal database
mysql_db: name={{ db_name }} state=present login_user={{ db_user }} login_password={{ db_pass }}
- name: Installing drupal
shell: "drush -y si standard --db-url=mysql://{{ db_user }}:{{ db_pass }}@{{ db_name }} --account-name={{ admin_user }} --account-pass={{ admin_pass }}"
chdir: /var/www/{{ document_root }}
- name: Disabling modules
shell: "drush dis {{ disable_modules }} -y"
chdir: /var/www/{{ document_root }}
- name: Enabling modules step 1
shell: "drush en {{ enable_modules1 }} -y"
chdir: /var/www/{{ document_root }}
- name: Enabling modules step 2
shell: "drush en {{ enable_modules2 }} -y"
chdir: /var/www/{{ document_root }}
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