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Last active November 17, 2023 11:09
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  • Save andrross/ee07a8a05beb63f1173bcb98523918b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andrross/ee07a8a05beb63f1173bcb98523918b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require 'json'
require 'net/http'
require 'optparse'
require 'set'
require 'uri'
options = {} do |opt|
opt.on('-s', '--start BUILD_NUMBER', 'Require start') { |o| options[:start] = o }
opt.on('-e', '--end BUILD_NUMBER', 'Require end') { |o| options[:end] = o }
puts "Will crawl builds from #{options[:start]} to #{options[:end]}"
all_failed_tests = []
(options[:start]..options[:end]).each do |job_number|
base_job_uri = "{job_number}"
result = JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(base_job_uri + '/api/json')).body)['result']
# UNSTABLE means the build succeeded but at least one test needed to be
# retried. Many gradle-check runs fail when running against a PR because the
# newly introduced code has a problem. The developer then iterates on the PR
# until all problems are resolved. To filter out this noise we only consider
# UNSTABLE builds, and ignore failures. It is possible for gradle-check
# builds run against merged code to fail due to flaky tests and they would be
# missed here. However, I think that is a small minority of the cases and
# this approach should do pretty well at identifying flaky tests.
if result == 'UNSTABLE'
uri = URI.parse(base_job_uri + '/testReport/api/json?tree=suites[cases[status,className,name]]')
json = JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get_response(uri).body)
# 'FAILED' means the test failed, just like the previous run.
# 'REGRESSION' means the test failed, but previously passed.
# See
failed_cases = json['suites'].map do |s|
s['cases'].select do |c|
c['status'] == 'REGRESSION' || c['status'] == 'FAILED'
failed_tests = { |c| {'name' => "#{c['className']}.#{c['name']}", 'build' => job_number}}
puts '------------------'
count = {}
all_failed_tests.flatten.each do |test|
unless count.include?(test['name'])
count[test['name']] = {'count' => 0, 'builds' => []}
count[test['name']]['count'] += 1
count.to_a.sort {|a,b| b[1]['count'] <=> a[1]['count'] }.each {|a| puts "#{a[1]['count']} #{a[0]} (#{a[1]['builds'].join(',')})" }
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dblock commented Dec 6, 2022

Turns out I wrote We can merge the two if you want.

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