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Last active November 19, 2018 15:05
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let patternEmail = "[\\w0-9\\.]+@[\\w.]+"
let raw = "1 2, jhon@haha.con"
let replaceWith = "xxx"
let text = raw.replace(pattern: patternEmail, with: replaceWith) // example
struct ReplacerPlusResult {
let textReplaced: String
var rangesApplied: [Range<String.Index>]
func replacerPlus(text: String, pattern: String, with: String, savedRanges: [Range<String.Index>] = []) -> ReplacerPlusResult? {
var ranges: [Range<String.Index>] = savedRanges ?? []
var mutableText = text
if let range = text.range(of: pattern, options: .regularExpression) {
mutableText = mutableText.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: with)
return replacerPlus(text: mutableText, pattern: pattern, with: with, savedRanges: ranges)
return ReplacerPlusResult(textReplaced: mutableText, rangesApplied: ranges)
let result = replacerPlus(text: raw, pattern: patternEmail, with: replaceWith)
result?.rangesApplied.forEach({ print($0.lowerBound.encodedOffset) })
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