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Created May 17, 2009 22:14
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* OPL 5.0 Model
* Author: Andrew Fecheyr Lippens
* Creation Date: 9/05/2009 at 23:49
// Setup
int horizon = 60*24*21-1; // Number of minutes in a week
int blocktime = 5;
// Inladen van parameter.dat
int rotation_time_bru = ...;
int spill_short = ...;
int spill_medium = ...;
int fixed_cost_100 = ...;
int var_cost_100 = ...;
int swap_cost_family = ...;
int swap_cost_nonfamily = ...;
int rotation_time_external = ...;
// Opbouwen van alle tijdspunten in het netwerk
int check_count = ftoi((horizon+1) / blocktime);
{int} timepoints = {i*blocktime | i in 0..check_count};
// Data van elke vloot
tuple FleetType
string ba_code; // Id vloot
int aircrafts; // Aantal vliegtuigen
string haul; // medium-short haul
int seats; // Aantal zetels
int fixed_cost_percent; // Vaste kosten per vlucht
int var_cost_percent; // Variabele kosten per minuut in de lucht
int family; // family van t vliegtuig. 1 = AR1,AR8,146 en 2 = 733,734
// Invullen van vloot info uit data file
{FleetType} fleets = ...;
// Vlucht datastructuur
tuple FlightStruct
int id; // flight id
string original_ba_code; // ba_code van de originele assignment
int original_family; // family of the original aircraft
int depT; // departure time
int arrT; // arrival time
int flightT; // Totale tijd in de lucht
string haul; // medium-short haul
int pax_1; // Passagiersvraag voor 1e leg
int pax_2; // Passagiersvraag voor 2e leg
{FlightStruct} flights = ...;
// Controleer of de tijden kloppen
assert forall(l in flights) 0 <= l.depT;
assert forall(l in flights) 0 <= l.arrT;
assert forall(l in flights) horizon >= l.depT;
assert forall(l in flights) horizon >= l.arrT;
assert forall(l in flights) l.depT < l.arrT;
// De operationele kostprijs
// Voor elk koppel (fleet,flight) definieren we Cost = spill_cost + fixed_cost + var_cost*flightT
float Cost[fleets][flights];
// Cost Initialization
execute COST_INIT {
for(var l in flights) {
for(var f in fleets) {
var spill_cost = 0;
// bereken de totale spill
var spill = 0;
if(f.seats < l.pax_1) { spill = spill + l.pax_1 - f.seats }
if(f.seats < l.pax_2) { spill = spill + l.pax_2 - f.seats }
if(0 < spill) {
var spill_price = (l.haul == "Medium" ? spill_medium : spill_short );
spill_cost = spill * spill_price;
// bereken de swap_penalty
var swap_penalty = 0;
if (l.original_ba_code != f.ba_code) {
// er is geswapped
if (l.original_family == {
swap_penalty = swap_cost_family;
swap_penalty = swap_cost_nonfamily;
Cost[f][l] = spill_cost + 2*(f.fixed_cost_percent/100)*fixed_cost_100 + (f.var_cost_percent/100)*(l.flightT/60)*var_cost_100 + swap_penalty;
// Maak arrays van vluchten voor elk tijdspunt
{FlightStruct} time_flights_array[t in timepoints] = {l | l in flights : l.depT <= t && t < (l.arrT + rotation_time_bru)};
/* ----------------------------------------------------
* Variabelen:
* assignment -- assignment[l][f] betekend dat flights[l] gevlogen
* wordt door een vliegtuig in fleets[f].
* --------------------------------------------------- */
dvar boolean assignment[fleets][flights];
sum(l in flights, f in fleets)
Cost[f][l] * assignment[f][l];
subject to {
forall(l in flights)
sum(f in fleets)
assignment[f][l] == 1;
forall(t in timepoints,f in fleets)
sum(l in time_flights_array[t])
assignment[f][l] <= f.aircrafts;
forall(l in flights: l.haul == "Medium")
sum(f in fleets: f.haul == "Short")
assignment[f][l] == 0;
* schrijf de assignments naar een textfile dat makkelijk
* ingelezen kan worden door cplex_to_ruby.rb
* dit is nodig om de visualisatie software te gebruiken
execute DISPLAY {
var ofile = new IloOplOutputFile("Z:\\unief\\thesis - fleet assignment\\ILOG\\shared_data\\assignments\\assignments.txt");
for(var l in flights) {
for(var f in fleets) {
if(assignment[f][l] == 1) {
ofile.writeln(, ": ", f.ba_code);
writeln(, ": ", f.ba_code);
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