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Last active April 18, 2024 08:15
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  • Save andruhon/d6984b6cf9506739ecc72034bbc4c119 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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All commands below are in normal mode unless specified otherwise. Hit esc on keyboard to enter normal mode.

Search and Replace

/ search forward, ? search backward, for example
?text search backward for the word "text", /text\c case-insensitive search
:let @/ = "" clear search context;

:%s/text/replacement/gic interactive search. y - replace, n - skip, a - all, q - quit, l - replace one and quit

gn search

Search for text with /text, hit enter, then type cgn to change current selection and then select next occurrence of the text. Type replacement text and then hit . to continue to the next occurrence. You may hit n before repeating action to see which occurrence you are on. Hit n once again to skip occurrence. Same trick can be done with dgn to delete the text.

Search settings

:set ignorecase :set hlsearch highlight search; :set incsearch incremental (search as you type)
:set ic hls is enable all three at once, :set noic nohls nois disable all three
:noh clear search highlight until the next search


ctrl + ] go to; :vsplit or :split to split window; ctrl + w and then navigation arrows or hjkl to switch between panels; ctrl + w + q or :close to close panel; % go to matching bracket (){}[], * go to next occurrence of the word under the cursor. w go to the next word, e go to the end of current word.
ctrl + o go to previous location, ctrl + i go to next location.


" then register code then command. "ay yank to register a, "ap paste from register a. * and + registers are special registers that are used for system clipboard. "+y yank to system clipboard, "+p paste from system clipboard.

Wayland has an issue with * and + vim registers. There's a plugin to fix it and probably vim can be rebuilt to address this. But so far the easy way to workaround is to use temp file to copy and paste:
Select lines with V and then hit :, :'<,'> will appear, type further to make :'<,'>w! /tmp/vimcp to copy. Use :r /tmp/vimcp to paste from this file. This approach will write whole lines into the file.
To write only the selection do :call writefile(getreg('z', 1, 1), "/tmp/vimcp).


terryma/vim-multiple-cursors works fine in normal vim, but ideavim only understands alt + n, alt + x instead of ctrl + n and ctrl + x (skip).

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