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Working from home

Andrey Moskalenko andrulik

Working from home
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Setting up Django using Apache/mod_wsgi on Ubuntu 8.10
This article will cover setting up Django using Apache/mod_wsgi on Ubuntu
8.10. The article is targeted at a production environment, but keep in mind
this is a more generalized environment. You may have different requirements,
but this article should at least provide the stepping stones.
The article will use distribution packages where nesscary. As of 8.10 the
# Copyleft 2010 paradoxxxzero All wrongs reserved
# With contribution from James Ahlborn
# Fork of by nicoulaj / dingram / roylzuo ...
# From
# Token types styles.
# See

(a gist based on the old toolmantim article on setting up remote repos)

To collaborate in a distributed development process you’ll need to push code to remotely accessible repositories.

This is somewhat of a follow-up to the previous article setting up a new rails app with git.

For the impatient

Set up the new bare repo on the server:

jQuery templates use constructs like:
{{if condition}} print something{{/if}}
This, of course, completely screws up Django templates,
because Django thinks {{ and }} mean something.
Wrap {% verbatim %} and {% endverbatim %} around those
blocks of jQuery templates and this will try its best
andrulik /
Created January 23, 2012 22:35 — forked from FSX/
A module for asynchronous PostgreSQL queries in Tornado.
#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = 'Frank Smit <>'
__version__ = '0.1.0'
import functools
import psycopg2
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop, PeriodicCallback
andrulik / get-packages.ps1
Created February 22, 2012 19:10 — forked from vansha/get-packages.ps1
Download all packages for the solution via NuGet
$scriptDir = split-path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$nuget = "$scriptDir\tools\NuGet.exe"
$packagesDir = "$scriptDir\src\Packages"
$packagesConfigs = get-content "$packagesDir\repositories.config" `
| select-string -pattern "<repository path=" `
| foreach { $_ -replace "\s*<repository path=""", """$packagesDir\" } `
| foreach { $_ -replace "\s*/>" }
foreach ($pathToPackagesConfig in $packagesConfigs)
- simple
- public over private
- personal vanity
- internet is global
- permalinks
- one important item per page
- don't break the browser
- don't wanker in technology
- a medium is not a grande
- break convention for your users
andrulik /
Created March 12, 2012 22:10 — forked from ericflo/
A management command to put on a cron to keep daily backups of a postgres database (with a 1-week window)
import datetime
import subprocess
from django.conf import settings
from import BaseCommand
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
from boto.s3.key import Key
class Command(BaseCommand):
jQuery templates use constructs like:
{{if condition}} print something{{/if}}
This, of course, completely screws up Django templates,
because Django thinks {{ and }} mean something.
Wrap {% verbatim %} and {% endverbatim %} around those
blocks of jQuery templates and this will try its best