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Created August 30, 2019 17:44
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docker pull apache/kudu:latest
docker run -it --network="docker_default" -p 8050:8050 -p 7050:7050 -p 8051:8051 -p 7051:7051 apache/kudu:latest bash
mkdir master
mkdir tserver
# Run a tablet server and master.
./bin/kudu-tserver --fs_wal_dir=/opt/kudu/tserver/test-wal --logtostderr --use_hybrid_clock=false --rpc_bind_addresses= --rpc_advertised_addresses=${KUDU_QUICKSTART_IP}:7050 --webserver_port=8050 --webserver_advertised_addresses=${KUDU_QUICKSTART_IP}:8050 --webserver_doc_root=/opt/kudu/www --stderrthreshold=0 &> tserver.log &
./bin/kudu-master --fs_wal_dir=/opt/kudu/master/test-wal --logtostderr --use_hybrid_clock=false --rpc_bind_addresses= --rpc_advertised_addresses=${KUDU_QUICKSTART_IP}:7051 --webserver_port=8051 --webserver_advertised_addresses=${KUDU_QUICKSTART_IP}:8051 --webserver_doc_root=/opt/kudu/www --stderrthreshold=0 &> master.log &
# Now create a table.
bin/kudu perf loadgen --table_num_replicas=1 --keep_auto_table
# Look at some data through the CLI.
bin/kudu table scan <table>
# Explore what we just learned.
kudu fs list
kudu local_replica dump wals
# Try exploring the client.
docker run -it andrwng/kudu-demos:kudu-python-latest
# Set up the network across containers so we can look into them.
export KUDU_QUICKSTART_IP=$(ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -Fv | awk '{print $2}' | tail -1)
# Start up all the nodes.
docker-compose -f docker/quickstart.yml up
# Log into one of the containers
docker exec -it $(docker ps -aqf "name=kudu-master-1") /bin/bash
# Run ksck to check the health of the cluster.
bin/kudu cluster ksck kudu-master-1:7051,kudu-master-2:7151,kudu-master-3:7251
# Generate some rows.
bin/kudu perf loadgen kudu-master-1:7051,kudu-master-2:7151,kudu-master-3:7251 --keep_auto_table --num_rows_per_thread=-1 --table_num_replicas=3 --flush_per_n_rows=1
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