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Created October 19, 2012 18:29
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Quasi Output
[ruby-1.9.3-p194] (master)
[02:19 PM] chris@apocalypse ~/src/collective/quasi/automati$ VBoxManage --version
[02:20 PM] chris@apocalypse ~/src/collective/quasi/automati$ vagrant --version
Vagrant version 0.9.0
[ruby-1.9.3-p194] (master)
[02:13 PM] chris@apocalypse ~/src/collective/quasi$ git pull origin master
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.
[ruby-1.9.3-p194] (master)
[02:18 PM] chris@apocalypse ~/src/collective/quasi$ cd automati && git symbolic-ref HEAD
[ruby-1.9.3-p194] (master)
[02:13 PM] chris@apocalypse ~/src/collective/quasi$ vagrant destroy edge01
vagrant up edge01
[edge01] Destroying VM and associated drives...
cap [ruby-1.9.3-p194] (master)
[02:13 PM] chris@apocalypse ~/src/collective/quasi$ vagrant up edge01
cap envir[edge01] Importing base box 'precise64'...
[edge01] Progress: 70%
[edge01] The guest additions on this VM do not match the install version of
VirtualBox! This may cause things such as forwarded ports, shared
folders, and more to not work properly. If any of those things fail on
this machine, please update the guest additions and repackage the
Guest Additions Version: 4.1.14
VirtualBox Version: 4.1.23
[edge01] Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
[edge01] Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
[edge01] Forwarding ports...
[edge01] -- 22 => 2002 (adapter 1)
[edge01] Creating shared folders metadata...
[edge01] Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
[edge01] Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
[edge01] Running any VM customizations...
[edge01] Booting VM...
[edge01] Waiting for VM to boot. This can take a few minutes.
[edge01] VM booted and ready for use!
[edge01] Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
[edge01] Setting host name...
[edge01] Mounting shared folders...
[edge01] -- v-root: /vagrant
[edge01] -- automati: /automati
[ruby-1.9.3-p194] (master)
[02:15 PM] chris@apocalypse ~/src/collective/quasi$ cap environment=local bootstrap HOSTS=edge-01.local
* executing `bootstrap'
* executing `bootstrap:packages'
* executing "sudo apt-get update"
(.... lots and lots of apt output ...)
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installed ruby-build at /usr/local
command finished in 1270ms
* executing `bootstrap:ruby:oneeight'
* executing "rbenv install 1.8.7-p357 && rbenv rehash"
servers: ["edge-01.local"]
[edge-01.local] executing command
** [out :: edge-01.local] Downloading
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing ruby-1.8.7-p357...
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installed ruby-1.8.7-p357 to /home/vagrant/.rbenv/versions/1.8.7-p357
** [out :: edge-01.local] Downloading
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing rubygems-1.6.2...
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installed rubygems-1.6.2 to /home/vagrant/.rbenv/versions/1.8.7-p357
command finished in 124494ms
* executing "rbenv global 1.8.7-p357"
servers: ["edge-01.local"]
[edge-01.local] executing command
command finished in 23ms
* executing `bootstrap:automati:git'
* executing `bootstrap:ruby:bundler'
* executing "gem install bundler && rbenv rehash"
servers: ["edge-01.local"]
[edge-01.local] executing command
Fetching: bundler-1.2.1.gem ( 49%)g: bundler-1.2.1.gem
Fetching: bundler-1.2.1.gem ( 94%).gem ( 50%)
Fetching: bundler-1.2.1.gem (100%)%)
** [out :: edge-01.local] Successfully installed bundler-1.2.1
** [out :: edge-01.local] 1 gem installed
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.2.1...
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing RDoc documentation for bundler-1.2.1...
command finished in 26747ms
* executing "cd /automati && bundle install && rbenv rehash"
servers: ["edge-01.local"]
[edge-01.local] executing command
** [out :: edge-01.local] Fetching gem metadata from
** [out :: edge-01.local]
** [out :: edge-01.local] Error Bundler::HTTPError during request to dependency API
** [out :: edge-01.local] Fetching full source index from
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing rubygems-1.6.2...
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installed rubygems-1.6.2 to /home/vagrant/.rbenv/versions/1.8.7-p357
command finished in 124494ms
* executing "rbenv global 1.8.7-p357"
servers: ["edge-01.local"]
[edge-01.local] executing command
command finished in 23ms
* executing `bootstrap:automati:git'
* executing `bootstrap:ruby:bundler'
* executing "gem install bundler && rbenv rehash"
servers: ["edge-01.local"]
[edge-01.local] executing command
Fetching: bundler-1.2.1.gem ( 49%)g: bundler-1.2.1.gem
Fetching: bundler-1.2.1.gem ( 94%).gem ( 50%)
Fetching: bundler-1.2.1.gem (100%)%)
** [out :: edge-01.local] Successfully installed bundler-1.2.1
** [out :: edge-01.local] 1 gem installed
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.2.1...
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing RDoc documentation for bundler-1.2.1...
command finished in 26747ms
* executing "cd /automati && bundle install && rbenv rehash"
servers: ["edge-01.local"]
[edge-01.local] executing command
** [out :: edge-01.local] Fetching gem metadata from
** [out :: edge-01.local]
** [out :: edge-01.local] Error Bundler::HTTPError during request to dependency API
** [out :: edge-01.local] Fetching full source index from
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing rake (
** [out :: edge-01.local]
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing activesupport (3.0.0)
** [out :: edge-01.local]
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing active_support (3.0.0)
** [out :: edge-01.local]
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing facter (1.6.8)
** [out :: edge-01.local]
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing hiera (0.3.0)
** [out :: edge-01.local]
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing hiera-puppet (0.3.0)
** [out :: edge-01.local]
** [out :: edge-01.local] Installing puppet (2.7.14)
** [out :: edge-01.local]
** [out :: edge-01.local] Using bundler (1.2.1)
** [out :: edge-01.local] Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
command finished in 63611ms
* executing `bootstrap:puppet:group'
* executing "if ! grep puppet /etc/group; then sudo groupadd puppet ; fi"
servers: ["edge-01.local"]
[edge-01.local] executing command
** [out :: edge-01.local] puppet:x:1001:
command finished in 6ms
* executing `bootstrap:puppet:apply'
* executing "cd /automati && bundle exec rake automati:apply"
servers: ["edge-01.local"]
[edge-01.local] executing command
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]/Nfs/Package[nfswatch]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]/Hadoop::Base/File[/etc/hadoop]/ensure: created
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]/Hadoop::Base/File[/etc/hadoop/conf.collective]/ensure: created
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /File[/etc/hadoop/conf.collective/ssl-server.xml.example]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}cb6f1b218f3703f1804c8ce3bd645fb7'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /File[/etc/hadoop/conf.collective/httpfs-site.xml]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}bd09797ee3e585d9dbc57fa6d13e6693'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /File[/etc/hadoop/conf.collective/]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}ea80cb4b7fb558eadfa44485c11d0916'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[denyhosts]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/File[/etc/ntp.conf]/content: content changed '{md5}32280703a4ba7aa1148c48895097ed07' to '{md5}86029a6e9fb13911a80147df75f17b35'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[apt-file]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/File[/etc/ssh/ssh_config]/content: content changed '{md5}a7a6e6ef00bcd077b9b5e3e1b744fd30' to '{md5}32df0c17b072ed7469254990e72fb35e'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[iftop]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[python-software-properties]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[dlocate]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[bsd-mailx]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[htop]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[ifenslave-2.6]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[screen]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/Package[iptraf]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
(... lots and lots of other stuff from puppet ...)
** [out :: edge-01.local] notice: Finished catalog run in 485.41 seconds
command finished in 489368ms
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