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Last active June 29, 2016 12:20
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public Repository(int id, String name, String fullName, Owner owner,
 boolean private, String htmlUrl, String description, boolean fork,
 String url, String forksUrl, String keysUrl, String collaboratorsUrl,
 String teamsUrl, String hooksUrl, String issueEventsUrl, String eventsUrl,
 String assigneesUrl, String branchesUrl, String tagsUrl, String blobsUrl,
 String gitTagsUrl, String gitRefsUrl, String treesUrl, String statusesUrl,
 String languagesUrl, String stargazersUrl, String contributorsUrl,
 String subscribersUrl, String subscriptionUrl, String commitsUrl, String gitCommitsUrl,
 String commentsUrl, String issueCommentUrl, String contentsUrl, String compareUrl,
 String mergesUrl, String archiveUrl, String downloadsUrl, String issuesUrl,
 String pullsUrl, String milestonesUrl, String notificationsUrl, String labelsUrl,
 String releasesUrl, tring deploymentsUrl, String createdAt, String updatedAt,
 String pushedAt, String gitUrl, String sshUrl, String cloneUrl, String svnUrl,
 String homepage, int size, int stargazersCount, int watchersCount, String language,
 boolean hasIssues, boolean hasDownloads, boolean hasWiki, boolean hasPages, int forksCount,
 String mirrorUrl, int openIssuesCount, int forks, int openIssues, int watchers, String defaultBranch) {
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