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Andrii Simakov andsimakov

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import CoreImage
import CoreGraphics
import Foundation
extension CIImageRepresentationOption {
@available(iOS 14.1, macOS 11.0, macCatalyst 14.1, *)
static var hdrGainMapImage: Self { .init(rawValue: "kCIImageRepresentationHDRGainMapImage") } // not public, but should work
andsimakov /
Created September 16, 2020 19:07 — forked from marteinn/
Integrating a DAM solution in Wagtail

Integrating a DAM solution in Wagtail

Key arguments for using a DAM

First, what is the primary purpose with using a DAM (Digital Asset Management) solution? There are several, but these are the features:

  • Having a centralized digital asset management (keep your pictures in one place)
  • Keeping your assets in sync and making sure licenses are up to date (when does image X expire, are author information correct?)
  • Keep track on where your digital assets usage (my bird image are used on site X, Y and Z)

So, how would we go about integrating a DAM in Wagtail? These are the steps me (me and others) took in a real-world project.