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Created December 10, 2014 10:27
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Clojure merge sort
(ns misc.merges
(:require [joy.qs :refer [rand-ints]]))
(defn merge-sort [xs]
(if (<= (count xs) 1)
(let [[left right] (split-at (/ (count xs) 2) xs)]
(mrge (merge-sort left) (merge-sort right)))))
(defn mrge [xs ys]
(loop [xs xs, ys ys, acc []]
(if (or (empty? xs) (empty? ys))
(concat acc xs ys)
(let [x (first xs)
y (first ys)]
(if (< x y)
(recur (next xs) ys (vec (conj acc x)))
(recur xs (next ys) (vec (conj acc y))))))))
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