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Last active January 5, 2016 07:39
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Supermarket install on SLES11SP3


rpm -Uvh supermarket-2.2.2-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

vi /opt/supermarket/embedded/cookbooks/sysctl/recipes/default.rb

At line 22 add the line node.default['sysctl']['conf_dir'] = '/etc/sysctl' :

include_recipe 'sysctl::service'

node.default['sysctl']['conf_dir'] = '/etc/sysctl'

vi /opt/supermarket/embedded/cookbooks/sysctl/recipes/service.rb

Insert the following resource block at line 25:

template '/etc/init.d/procps' do
  source 'procps.init-suse.erb'
  mode '0755'
  only_if { platform_family?('suse') }

cp /opt/supermarket/embedded/cookbooks/sysctl/templates/default/procps.init-rhel.erb /opt/supermarket/embedded/cookbooks/sysctl/templates/default/procps.init-suse.erb

vi /opt/supermarket/embedded/cookbooks/sysctl/templates/default/procps.init-suse.erb

Make line 12 look like this: . /etc/sysconfig/network/scripts/functions

supermarket-ctl reconfigure

Ignore error: STDERR: /etc/init.d/procps: line 22: apply_sysctl: command not found

Run again: supermarket-ctl reconfigure

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