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Last active May 16, 2023 03:05
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Dumping opcodes from generated C code from QuickJS
import struct
def make_table(lns):
table = [None] * 256
for _n, _desc in map(lambda x: x.split(' = '), lns.split('\n')):
n = int(_n, 16)
desc = _desc.split()
desc[1] = int(desc[1])
desc[2] = int(desc[2])
desc[3] = int(desc[3])
table[n] = desc
return table
opcodes = make_table('''\
00 = invalid 1 0 0 none
01 = push_i32 5 0 1 i32
02 = push_const 5 0 1 const
03 = fclosure 5 0 1 const
04 = push_atom_value 5 0 1 atom
05 = private_symbol 5 0 1 atom
06 = undefined 1 0 1 none
07 = null 1 0 1 none
08 = push_this 1 0 1 none
09 = push_false 1 0 1 none
0a = push_true 1 0 1 none
0b = object 1 0 1 none
0c = special_object 2 0 1 u8
0d = rest 3 0 1 u16
0e = drop 1 1 0 none
0f = nip 1 2 1 none
10 = nip1 1 3 2 none
11 = dup 1 1 2 none
12 = dup1 1 2 3 none
13 = dup2 1 2 4 none
14 = dup3 1 3 6 none
15 = insert2 1 2 3 none
16 = insert3 1 3 4 none
17 = insert4 1 4 5 none
18 = perm3 1 3 3 none
19 = perm4 1 4 4 none
1a = perm5 1 5 5 none
1b = swap 1 2 2 none
1c = swap2 1 4 4 none
1d = rot3l 1 3 3 none
1e = rot3r 1 3 3 none
1f = rot4l 1 4 4 none
20 = rot5l 1 5 5 none
21 = call_constructor 3 2 1 npop
22 = call 3 1 1 npop
23 = tail_call 3 1 0 npop
24 = call_method 3 2 1 npop
25 = tail_call_method 3 2 0 npop
26 = array_from 3 0 1 npop
27 = apply 3 3 1 u16
28 = return 1 1 0 none
29 = return_undef 1 0 0 none
2a = check_ctor_return 1 1 2 none
2b = check_ctor 1 0 0 none
2c = check_brand 1 2 2 none
2d = add_brand 1 2 0 none
2e = return_async 1 1 0 none
2f = throw 1 1 0 none
30 = throw_error 6 0 0 atom_u8
31 = eval 5 1 1 npop_u16
32 = apply_eval 3 2 1 u16
33 = regexp 1 2 1 none
34 = get_super 1 1 1 none
35 = import 1 1 1 none
36 = check_var 5 0 1 atom
37 = get_var_undef 5 0 1 atom
38 = get_var 5 0 1 atom
39 = put_var 5 1 0 atom
3a = put_var_init 5 1 0 atom
3b = put_var_strict 5 2 0 atom
3c = get_ref_value 1 2 3 none
3d = put_ref_value 1 3 0 none
3e = define_var 6 0 0 atom_u8
3f = check_define_var 6 0 0 atom_u8
40 = define_func 6 1 0 atom_u8
41 = get_field 5 1 1 atom
42 = get_field2 5 1 2 atom
43 = put_field 5 2 0 atom
44 = get_private_field 1 2 1 none
45 = put_private_field 1 3 0 none
46 = define_private_field 1 3 1 none
47 = get_array_el 1 2 1 none
48 = get_array_el2 1 2 2 none
49 = put_array_el 1 3 0 none
4a = get_super_value 1 3 1 none
4b = put_super_value 1 4 0 none
4c = define_field 5 2 1 atom
4d = set_name 5 1 1 atom
4e = set_name_computed 1 2 2 none
4f = set_proto 1 2 1 none
50 = set_home_object 1 2 2 none
51 = define_array_el 1 3 2 none
52 = append 1 3 2 none
53 = copy_data_properties 2 3 3 u8
54 = define_method 6 2 1 atom_u8
55 = define_method_computed 2 3 1 u8
56 = define_class 6 2 2 atom_u8
57 = define_class_computed 6 3 3 atom_u8
58 = get_loc 3 0 1 loc
59 = put_loc 3 1 0 loc
5a = set_loc 3 1 1 loc
5b = get_arg 3 0 1 arg
5c = put_arg 3 1 0 arg
5d = set_arg 3 1 1 arg
5e = get_var_ref 3 0 1 var_ref
5f = put_var_ref 3 1 0 var_ref
60 = set_var_ref 3 1 1 var_ref
61 = set_loc_uninitialized 3 0 0 loc
62 = get_loc_check 3 0 1 loc
63 = put_loc_check 3 1 0 loc
64 = put_loc_check_init 3 1 0 loc
65 = get_var_ref_check 3 0 1 var_ref
66 = put_var_ref_check 3 1 0 var_ref
67 = put_var_ref_check_init 3 1 0 var_ref
68 = close_loc 3 0 0 loc
69 = if_false 5 1 0 label
6a = if_true 5 1 0 label
6b = goto 5 0 0 label
6c = catch 5 0 1 label
6d = gosub 5 0 0 label
6e = ret 1 1 0 none
6f = to_object 1 1 1 none
70 = to_propkey 1 1 1 none
71 = to_propkey2 1 2 2 none
72 = with_get_var 10 1 0 atom_label_u8
73 = with_put_var 10 2 1 atom_label_u8
74 = with_delete_var 10 1 0 atom_label_u8
75 = with_make_ref 10 1 0 atom_label_u8
76 = with_get_ref 10 1 0 atom_label_u8
77 = with_get_ref_undef 10 1 0 atom_label_u8
78 = make_loc_ref 7 0 2 atom_u16
79 = make_arg_ref 7 0 2 atom_u16
7a = make_var_ref_ref 7 0 2 atom_u16
7b = make_var_ref 5 0 2 atom
7c = for_in_start 1 1 1 none
7d = for_of_start 1 1 3 none
7e = for_await_of_start 1 1 3 none
7f = for_in_next 1 1 3 none
80 = for_of_next 2 3 5 u8
81 = iterator_check_object 1 1 1 none
82 = iterator_get_value_done 1 1 2 none
83 = iterator_close 1 3 0 none
84 = iterator_close_return 1 4 4 none
85 = iterator_next 1 4 4 none
86 = iterator_call 2 4 5 u8
87 = initial_yield 1 0 0 none
88 = yield 1 1 2 none
89 = yield_star 1 1 2 none
8a = async_yield_star 1 1 2 none
8b = await 1 1 1 none
8c = neg 1 1 1 none
8d = plus 1 1 1 none
8e = dec 1 1 1 none
8f = inc 1 1 1 none
90 = post_dec 1 1 2 none
91 = post_inc 1 1 2 none
92 = dec_loc 2 0 0 loc8
93 = inc_loc 2 0 0 loc8
94 = add_loc 2 1 0 loc8
95 = not 1 1 1 none
96 = lnot 1 1 1 none
97 = typeof 1 1 1 none
98 = delete 1 2 1 none
99 = delete_var 5 0 1 atom
9a = mul 1 2 1 none
9b = div 1 2 1 none
9c = mod 1 2 1 none
9d = add 1 2 1 none
9e = sub 1 2 1 none
9f = pow 1 2 1 none
a0 = shl 1 2 1 none
a1 = sar 1 2 1 none
a2 = shr 1 2 1 none
a3 = lt 1 2 1 none
a4 = lte 1 2 1 none
a5 = gt 1 2 1 none
a6 = gte 1 2 1 none
a7 = instanceof 1 2 1 none
a8 = in 1 2 1 none
a9 = eq 1 2 1 none
aa = neq 1 2 1 none
ab = strict_eq 1 2 1 none
ac = strict_neq 1 2 1 none
ad = and 1 2 1 none
ae = xor 1 2 1 none
af = or 1 2 1 none
b0 = is_undefined_or_null 1 1 1 none
b1 = mul_pow10 1 2 1 none
b2 = math_mod 1 2 1 none
b3 = nop 1 0 0 none
b4 = push_minus1 1 0 1 none_int
b5 = push_0 1 0 1 none_int
b6 = push_1 1 0 1 none_int
b7 = push_2 1 0 1 none_int
b8 = push_3 1 0 1 none_int
b9 = push_4 1 0 1 none_int
ba = push_5 1 0 1 none_int
bb = push_6 1 0 1 none_int
bc = push_7 1 0 1 none_int
bd = push_i8 2 0 1 i8
be = push_i16 3 0 1 i16
bf = push_const8 2 0 1 const8
c0 = fclosure8 2 0 1 const8
c1 = push_empty_string 1 0 1 none
c2 = get_loc8 2 0 1 loc8
c3 = put_loc8 2 1 0 loc8
c4 = set_loc8 2 1 1 loc8
c5 = get_loc0 1 0 1 none_loc
c6 = get_loc1 1 0 1 none_loc
c7 = get_loc2 1 0 1 none_loc
c8 = get_loc3 1 0 1 none_loc
c9 = put_loc0 1 1 0 none_loc
ca = put_loc1 1 1 0 none_loc
cb = put_loc2 1 1 0 none_loc
cc = put_loc3 1 1 0 none_loc
cd = set_loc0 1 1 1 none_loc
ce = set_loc1 1 1 1 none_loc
cf = set_loc2 1 1 1 none_loc
d0 = set_loc3 1 1 1 none_loc
d1 = get_arg0 1 0 1 none_arg
d2 = get_arg1 1 0 1 none_arg
d3 = get_arg2 1 0 1 none_arg
d4 = get_arg3 1 0 1 none_arg
d5 = put_arg0 1 1 0 none_arg
d6 = put_arg1 1 1 0 none_arg
d7 = put_arg2 1 1 0 none_arg
d8 = put_arg3 1 1 0 none_arg
d9 = set_arg0 1 1 1 none_arg
da = set_arg1 1 1 1 none_arg
db = set_arg2 1 1 1 none_arg
dc = set_arg3 1 1 1 none_arg
dd = get_var_ref0 1 0 1 none_var_ref
de = get_var_ref1 1 0 1 none_var_ref
df = get_var_ref2 1 0 1 none_var_ref
e0 = get_var_ref3 1 0 1 none_var_ref
e1 = put_var_ref0 1 1 0 none_var_ref
e2 = put_var_ref1 1 1 0 none_var_ref
e3 = put_var_ref2 1 1 0 none_var_ref
e4 = put_var_ref3 1 1 0 none_var_ref
e5 = set_var_ref0 1 1 1 none_var_ref
e6 = set_var_ref1 1 1 1 none_var_ref
e7 = set_var_ref2 1 1 1 none_var_ref
e8 = set_var_ref3 1 1 1 none_var_ref
e9 = get_length 1 1 1 none
ea = if_false8 2 1 0 label8
eb = if_true8 2 1 0 label8
ec = goto8 2 0 0 label8
ed = goto16 3 0 0 label16
ee = call0 1 1 1 npopx
ef = call1 1 1 1 npopx
f0 = call2 1 1 1 npopx
f1 = call3 1 1 1 npopx
f2 = is_undefined 1 1 1 none
f3 = is_null 1 1 1 none
f4 = typeof_is_undefined 1 1 1 none
f5 = typeof_is_function 1 1 1 none
b4 = enter_scope 3 0 0 u16
b5 = leave_scope 3 0 0 u16
b6 = label 5 0 0 label
b7 = scope_get_var_undef 7 0 1 atom_u16
b8 = scope_get_var 7 0 1 atom_u16
b9 = scope_put_var 7 1 0 atom_u16
ba = scope_delete_var 7 0 1 atom_u16
bb = scope_make_ref 11 0 2 atom_label_u16
bc = scope_get_ref 7 0 2 atom_u16
bd = scope_put_var_init 7 0 2 atom_u16
be = scope_get_private_field 7 1 1 atom_u16
bf = scope_get_private_field2 7 1 2 atom_u16
c0 = scope_put_private_field 7 1 1 atom_u16
c1 = set_class_name 5 1 1 u32
c2 = line_num 5 0 0 u32\
prog = [
0x08, 0xea, 0x05, 0xc0, 0x00, 0xe2, 0x29, 0x29,
ctr = 0
prgsz = len(prog)
while ctr < prgsz:
op = prog[ctr]
opdesc = opcodes[op]
name, sz, _, _, typ = opdesc
except Exception:
raise Exception(f'Unknown opcode "0x{op:02x}"')
hex = f'{op:02x}'
if sz == 1:
print(f'{hex:30} {name}')
bs = None if sz == 1 else bytes(prog[ctr+1:ctr+sz])
data = 0
fsdict = {
'u8': '=B', 'i8': '=b',
'u16': '=h', 'i16': '=H',
'u32': '=l', 'i32': '=L',
'loc8': '=B',
'const8': '=B',
'label8': '=B',
'label16': '=h',
'npop_u16': '=h',
if typ in fsdict:
data = struct.unpack(fsdict[typ], bs)[0]
for i, b in enumerate(bs):
data += b << (i * 8)
hex += ''.join([f' {b:02x}' for b in bs])
print(f'{hex:30} {name} ({typ}) {data}')
ctr += sz
#include "quickjs-libc.h"
const uint32_t qjsc_hello_size = 87;
const uint8_t qjsc_hello[87] = {
0x02, 0x04, 0x0e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x6f,
0x6c, 0x65, 0x06, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x16, 0x48,
0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x57, 0x6f, 0x72,
0x6c, 0x64, 0x22, 0x65, 0x78, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70,
0x6c, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2f, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c,
0x6f, 0x2e, 0x6a, 0x73, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00,
0xa0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00,
0x14, 0x01, 0xa2, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x38,
0xe1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x42, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x04, 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x24, 0x01,
0x00, 0xcd, 0x28, 0xc8, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00,
static JSContext *JS_NewCustomContext(JSRuntime *rt)
JSContext *ctx = JS_NewContextRaw(rt);
if (!ctx)
return NULL;
return ctx;
#include <stdio.h>
#include "quickjs.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
JSRuntime *rt;
JSContext *ctx;
rt = JS_NewRuntime();
ctx = JS_NewCustomContext(rt);
// --- instrument starts here
JSValue obj, val;
obj = JS_ReadObject(ctx, qjsc_hello, qjsc_hello_size, JS_READ_OBJ_BYTECODE);
if (JS_IsException(obj)) {
printf("Failed to read object!!\n");
return 1;
// load_only is FALSE...
uint32_t tag;
tag = JS_VALUE_GET_TAG(obj);
if (tag == JS_TAG_MODULE) {
if (JS_ResolveModule(ctx, obj) < 0) {
printf("JS_ResolveModule() failed!!\n");
return 1;
// TODO: js_module_set_import_meta
// quickjs.c: val = JS_EvalFunction(ctx, obj);
// -> JS_EvalFunctionInternal(ctx, obj, ctx->global_obj, NULL, NULL)
uint8_t* bcbuf = NULL;
int bclen = 0;
// obj = js_closure(ctx, obj, NULL, NULL) as JSFunctionBytecode
char* objptr = /* (JSFunctionBytecode*) */ JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(obj);
// -> JS_CallFree(...)
// -> JS_CallInternal(...)
// FIXME: offsets may vary
bcbuf = *(uint8_t**)(objptr + 32);
bclen = *(int*)(objptr + 40);
} else if (tag == JS_TAG_MODULE) {
// assume not a C module
// m = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(obj) as JSModuleDef
JSModuleDef* m = /* (JSModuleDef*) */ JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(obj);
printf("JSModuleDef ptr %p\n", m);
// XXX: is the func_obj what we want?
char* objptr = (char*)m + 208;
bcbuf = *(uint8_t**)(objptr + 32);
bclen = *(int*)(objptr + 40);
// -> js_create_module_function(ctx, m)
// -> js_create_module_bytecode_function(ctx, m)
// -> js_link_module(ctx, m)
// -> js_evaluate_module(ctx, m)
// -> JS_CallFree(ctx, m->func_obj, JS_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL)
} else {
printf("Tag is not bytecode (%d)!!\n", tag);
return 1;
printf("Dumping bytecode (len=%d)\n", bclen);
for (int i = 0; i < bclen; i++) {
printf("0x%02x,%c", bcbuf[i], i % 8 == 7 ? '\n' : ' ');
// --- instrument ends here
return 0;
enum OPCodeEnum {
#define FMT(f)
#define DEF(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f) OP_ ## id,
#define def(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f)
#include "quickjs-opcode.h"
#undef def
#undef DEF
#undef FMT
OP_COUNT, /* excluding temporary opcodes */
/* temporary opcodes : overlap with the short opcodes */
OP_TEMP_START = OP_nop + 1,
OP___dummy = OP_TEMP_START - 1,
#define FMT(f)
#define DEF(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f)
#define def(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f) OP_ ## id,
#include "quickjs-opcode.h"
#undef def
#undef DEF
#undef FMT
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
#define FMT(f)
#define DEF(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f) printf("%02x = %-32s %d %d %d %s\n", OP_ ## id, #id, size, n_pop, n_push, #f);
#define def(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f)
#include "quickjs-opcode.h"
#undef def
#undef DEF
#undef FMT
#define FMT(f)
#define DEF(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f)
#define def(id, size, n_pop, n_push, f) printf("%02x = %-32s %d %d %d %s\n", OP_ ## id, #id, size, n_pop, n_push, #f);
#include "quickjs-opcode.h"
#undef def
#undef DEF
#undef FMT
printf("count=0x%02x\n", OP_COUNT);

QuickJS disasm

A minimal disassembler with an example on code instrumentation

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