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Created April 14, 2013 14:22
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package org.lsug.csvswing
import swing._
import Swing._
import scala.swing.event.ButtonClicked
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import javax.swing.UIManager
object CSVSwing extends SimpleSwingApplication {
val results = new TextArea("")
def top = new MainFrame {
title = "CSV Validator GUI"
contents = new BorderPanel {
import BorderPanel.Position._
val filePanel:BoxPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
border = Swing.EmptyBorder(5,10,5,10)
val schemaFilePath = new TextField("/Users/andy/Projects/csv-validator/csv-validator-core/src/test/resources/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/schema.txt")
val schemaFile = new BorderPanel {
layout(new Label("Schema File")) = West
layout(schemaFilePath) = Center
layout(new Button("...") {
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(_) => {
new FileChooser(new File(".")) {
title = "Schema File"
selectedFile = new File(schemaFilePath.text)
showOpenDialog(filePanel) match {
case FileChooser.Result.Approve => schemaFilePath.text = selectedFile.getAbsolutePath
case FileChooser.Result.Cancel => println("cancel")
) = East
contents += schemaFile
val csvFilePath = new TextField("/Users/andy/Projects/csv-validator/csv-validator-core/src/test/resources/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/metaData.csv")
val csvFile = new BorderPanel {
layout(new Label("CSV File")) = West
layout(csvFilePath) = Center
layout(new Button("...") {
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(_) => {
new FileChooser(new File(".")) {
title = "CSV File"
selectedFile = new File(csvFilePath.text)
showOpenDialog(filePanel) match {
case FileChooser.Result.Approve => csvFilePath.text = selectedFile.getAbsolutePath
case FileChooser.Result.Cancel => println("cancel")
) = East
contents += csvFile
val runPanel = new BorderPanel {
layout( new Button("Validate") {
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(_) => executeCSV(schemaFilePath.text, csvFilePath.text)
} ) = East
contents += runPanel
layout(filePanel) = North
layout(new BorderPanel {
border = Swing.EmptyBorder(5,10,5,10)
layout(results) = Center
}) = Center
val cmdLine = new FlowPanel {
contents += new Button("Save")
contents += new Button("Close") {
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(_) => System.exit(0)
layout(new BorderPanel {
layout(cmdLine) = East
}) = South
location = (100, 100)
size = (800,500)
def executeCSV(schema: String, csv: String) {
val pb = new ProcessBuilder("""/Users/andy/Projects/csv-validator/csv-validator-core/validate""", csv, schema) new File("/Users/andy/Projects/csv-validator/csv-validator-core/"))
val pt = Try{ pb.start}
pt match {
case Success(p) =>
val out = p.getInputStream
val buff = Array[Byte](100)
var x =
while( x != -1) {
results.text += new String(buff)
x =
case Failure(e) => results.text += "Error: " + e
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