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Last active February 28, 2018 00:11
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void print_int_array(int a[], int length) { // helper function to print array
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
cout << a[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
int main() {
// Part 1: Declare corresponding variables
int seat_number_list[20] = {0};
int seat_perference_list[20] = {0};
int seat_number_to_index[21] = {0};
bool seat_occupied_list[20] = {false};
int n, index, occupied, k;
bool found;
// Part 2: Print number and perference of n seats
//// Part 2.1: Receive n and check if n is in range
cout << "Number of seats n in [5,20] = ? ";
cin >> n;
while(n < 5 || n > 20) { // if n out of range [5, 20]
cout << "!!WRONG!! Please input an integer in [5,20] = ? "; // print error message
cin >> n; // receive new n
} // would loop until n is in range [5, 20]
//// Part 2.2: Generate seat number and perference
index = 0;
int odd_max = (n % 2 == 0) ? n-1 : n; // largest odd number in the seats, which would be the number of first seat
for(int odd_number = odd_max; odd_number > 0; odd_number -= 2) { // generate odd part
seat_number_list[index] = odd_number;
seat_number_to_index[odd_number] = index;
seat_perference_list[index] = index + 1;
for(int even_number = 2; even_number <= n; even_number += 2) { // generate even part
seat_number_list[index] = even_number;
seat_number_to_index[even_number] = index;
seat_perference_list[index] = n - index;
cout << "Seat number: ";
print_int_array(seat_number_list, n);
cout << "Seat preference: ";
print_int_array(seat_perference_list, n);
// Part 3: Print updated seat number and perference
//// Part 3.1: Receive occupied seat no
cout << "Occupied seat no.: ";
do {
cin >> occupied;
if(occupied > 0 && occupied <= n){
int occupied_index = seat_number_to_index[occupied];
seat_occupied_list[occupied_index] = true;
} while(occupied != 0);
//// Part 3.2: Print new seat number list
cout << "Seat number: ";
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << "X";
cout << seat_number_list[i];
cout << " ";
cout << endl;
//// Part 3.3: Print new seat perference list
cout << "Seat perference: ";
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << "X";
cout << seat_perference_list[i];
cout << " ";
cout << endl;
// Part 4: Search and print highest perference sum of k adjacent seats
//// Part 4.1: Receive k
cout << "How many adjacent seats to seek? ";
cin >> k;
///// Part 4.2: Get highest perference sum
int highest_perference = 0;
int highest_perference_left_index = -1;
for(int left_most_index = 0; left_most_index < n; left_most_index++) {
int right_most_index = left_most_index + k - 1; // get index of right most chosen seat
if(right_most_index >= n) { // if right_most_index is not smaller than n, then search is completed
bool skip = false;
for(int i = left_most_index; i <= right_most_index; i++){ // scan through the chosen seats (from left_most to right_most)
if(seat_occupied_list[i]){ // if any chosen seat is occupied
skip = true; // skip flag
break; // stop the scan, since we know the seats cannot be chosen
if(skip) {
int perference_sum = 0;
for(int i = left_most_index; i <= right_most_index; i++){
perference_sum += seat_perference_list[i];
if(perference_sum > highest_perference) {
highest_perference = perference_sum;
highest_perference_left_index = left_most_index;
if(highest_perference > 0) {
cout << "Best " << k << " adjacent " << ((k==1)?"seat":"seats") << ": no. ";
int highest_perference_right_index = highest_perference_left_index + k - 1;
for(int i = highest_perference_left_index; i <= highest_perference_right_index; i++){
cout << seat_number_list[i] << ", ";
cout << "with total preference " << highest_perference << "." << endl;
else {
// print sorry if not found
cout << "Sorry! No " << k << " adjacent " << ((k==1)?"seat":"seats") << "!";
return 0;
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