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Created March 13, 2012 18:08
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Capistrano Pulldown scripts for WordPress database and uploads
desc "Pull a database dump from remote server, drop the local database, then import the dump"
task :pull_database_to_local do
# Build out temporary file name with timestamp for uniqueness
timestamp = get_timestamp
temp_file_name = "database_dump_#{timestamp}"
remote_file_name = remote_mysqldump(temp_file_name)
download(remote_file_name, "/tmp/#{temp_file_name}.sql.gz")
system("gunzip /tmp/#{temp_file_name}.sql.gz")
# You may need to modify some of the data to match local URLs here
# system(%Q{sed -i -e "s@http://remote.url/@http://local.url/@g" /tmp/#{temp_file_name}.sql})
puts "Backing up previous database to /tmp/previous_database_#{timestamp}.sql.gz"
system("mysqldump -uroot local_database_name | gzip -9 > /tmp/previous_database_#{timestamp}.sql.gz")
system("mysql -uroot local_database_name < /tmp/#{temp_file_name}.sql")
system("rm -rf /tmp/#{temp_file_name}*")
run "rm -rf #{deploy_to}/#{shared_dir}/#{temp_file_name}.tar.gz"
# You'll need to set up config[:local_file_path] to map to your local WordPress directory
desc "Pull all images from staging, backup local images, and copy staging images into local install"
task :pull_uploads_to_local do
timestamp = get_timestamp
temp_file_name = "temp_uploads_#{timestamp}"
temp_file_dir = File.join(deploy_to, shared_dir)
temp_file_path = File.join(temp_file_dir, temp_file_name)
# Make the temp directory on the remote server
run "mkdir -p #{temp_file_path}"
# Copy all uploads to temp directory
run "cp -r #{current_path}/docs/wp-content/uploads/* #{temp_file_path}"
# Tar/Zip it up
run "cd #{temp_file_dir} && tar -czvf #{temp_file_path}.tar.gz #{temp_file_name}"
# Download it locally
download("#{temp_file_path}.tar.gz", "/tmp/#{temp_file_name}.tar.gz")
puts "Extracting downloaded uploads"
# Extract the files
system("cd /tmp && tar -xzvf #{temp_file_name}.tar.gz")
puts "Backing up existing uploads to /tmp/existing_uploads_#{timestamp}"
# Create uploads directory locally if it doesn't exist
puts "Creating empty uploads directory, since it does not exist yet"
system("cd #{config[:local_file_path]}/wp-content && mkdir uploads")
# Back up your existing uploads
system("cp -r #{config[:local_file_path]}/wp-content/uploads /tmp/existing_uploads_#{timestamp}")
puts "Overwriting local uploads path"
# Clear and copy over uploads
system("rm -rf #{config[:local_file_path]}/wp-content/uploads/*")
system("cp -r /tmp/#{temp_file_name}/* #{config[:local_file_path]}/wp-content/uploads/")
# May need to update permissions
# system("chmod -R 775 #{config[:local_file_path]}/wp-content/uploads/*")
# Delete temp files
run "rm -rf #{temp_file_path}*"
def remote_mysqldump(file_path)
# Get database configuration info, however you store it
database = config[stage][:database_name]
user = config[stage][:database_user]
password = config[stage][:database_password]
# Run the command
run "mysqldump -u#{user} -p#{password} --lock-tables=FALSE #{database} | gzip -9 > #{file_path}"
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