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Created March 18, 2015 13:26
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Function to calculate EBMA ensemble from stream of input predictions and EBMA fitted model
# EBMA ensemble prediction
# Aggregate a set of predictions into an ensemble prediction using a fitted
# EBMA model. Recreates the functionality used to calculate test predictions
# during a EBMA calibration call.
# ebma - A fitted EBMA object; only works with logit EBMA.
# inputs - Matrix or data frame in which each column is a series of
# probabilities.
# outcome - Vector of observed outcomes. Lenght must match rows in inputs.
# useModelParams - Should the constant/predictor parameters of EBMA be used, or
# only the bias reduction transformation? Both, by default.
# Function for logit EBMA that will take input predictions and aggregate
# them to an EBMA prediction.
predict.ebma <- function(ebma, inputs, outcome, useModelParams=TRUE) {
if (!class(ebma)=="FDatFitLogit") stop("Only works with logit EBMA")
inputs <- as.matrix(inputs)
exp <- ebma@exp
modelParams <- ebma@modelParams[, , 1]
W <- ebma@modelWeights
if (useModelParams == TRUE) {
.adjPred <- .makeAdj(inputs, exp)
inputsAdj <- array(NA, dim = c(nrow(inputs), ncol(inputs)))
for (k in 1:ncol(inputs)) {
inputsAdj[, k] <- affineTransform(.adjPred[, k], modelParams[, k])
inputsAdj[, k] <- plogis(inputsAdj[, k])
if (useModelParams == FALSE) {
.adjPred <- .makeAdj(inputs)
.adjPred[outcome == 0, ] <- (1 - plogis(.adjPred[outcome == 0, ]))
.adjPred[outcome == 1, ] <- (plogis(.adjPred[outcome == 1, ]))
inputsAdj <- .adjPred
# Weight inputs, with handling for missing predictions
if (!any( {
bma <- inputsAdj %*% W
} else {
# Weigh non-missing components, then adjust denominator to account for
# weights not used because of missing values.
inputsAdjNA <- inputsAdj
inputsAdjNA[] <- 0
bma <- inputsAdjNA %*% W
denom <- (! * 1) %*% W
denom[denom==0] <- NA # prevent /0 if entire row is NA
bma <- bma/denom
# Input adjustment
.makeAdj <- function(x, exp) {
.adjPred <- qlogis(x)
.negative <- .adjPred < 0
.pos <- .adjPred > 1
.adjPred <- ((1 + abs(.adjPred))^(1/exp)) - 1
.miss <-
.negative[.miss] <- FALSE
.adjPred[.negative] <- .adjPred[.negative] * (-1)
.adjPred[.miss] <- NA
# Recreate glm() transformation
affineTransform <- function(x, b) {
# Affine transform of y = b1 + x*b2
y <- cbind(1, x) %*% b
# Testing -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Make sure output replicates original EBMA output
# Check handling of NA's in input predictions
# Example with known solution.
# `pr_test` has 7 input streams of predicitons, as well as ebma prediction
# that was calculated as the test portion of the EBMA calibration, thus
# using the EBMAforecast internal functions.
# Pull out components
inputs <- pr_test[, grep("i[0-9]", colnames(pr_test))]
outcome <- pr_test[, "y"]
ebma_orig <- pr_test[, "ebma"]
# Does the redo match the original EBMA calculations?
ebma_redo <- predict.ebma(ensemble, inputs, outcome)
isTRUE(all.equal(ebma_orig, ebma_redo))
# Handling NA's
# Scattered NA's, not complete row
inputs_pNA <- inputs
inputs_pNA[1, 1] <- NA
inputs_pNA[2, c(1:3)] <- NA
ebma_redo2 <- predict.ebma(ensemble, inputs_pNA, outcome)
head(cbind(ebma_orig, ebma_redo2))
# Complete row of NA's
inputs_rowNA <- inputs
inputs_rowNA[1, ] <- NA
ebma_redo3 <- predict.ebma(ensemble, inputs_rowNA, outcome)
head(cbind(ebma_orig, ebma_redo3))
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