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Created November 26, 2013 18:08
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Map code for the prediction report
worldMap <- function(x, id, data, date='2008-01-01', legend.title=NULL,
maxy=1) {
# Input 2-column matrix with unique identifier and data to be mapped for
# state slice in "date", output thematic map.
require(RColorBrewer) # for color palettes
# Validate input
if (all(c(x, id) %in% colnames(data))==F) { stop('x or id not in data') }
if (any(duplicated(data[, id]))==T) { stop('id is not unique in data') }
# Load map data
world <- cshp(date=as.Date(date))
# Merge data into spatial object
world@data <- data.frame(world@data, data[match(world@data[, 'COWCODE'], data[, id]), ])
## Assign colors for each country based on nature of plotted variable
nval <- length(unique(na.omit(world@data[, x])))
# Binary variable
if (nval==2) {
colorpal <- c('#FEE0D2', '#EF3B2C')
colors <- ifelse([, x])==T, '#B0B0B0', colorpal[(world@data[, x]+1)])
# Plot map
plot(world, col='gray30', border='gray30', lwd=1)
plot(world, col=colors, border=F, add=T)
# # Legend
# text(70, 90, paste("Instances of ", modelname, ": ", monthname, " ", year, sep = ""))
# rect(xleft = -170, xright = -165, ybottom = c(-57, -50, -43), ytop = c(-52, -45, -38), border = NA, col = c('#B0B0B0', colorpal))
# text(-163, c(-57, -50, -43)+0.5, c('No data', paste("No", modelname), modelname), adj = c(0, 0), cex = 0.8)
# text(-170, -36, "Key:", cex = 0.8, adj = c(0, 0))
# rect(xleft=-171.5, xright=-130, ytop=-31, ybottom=-59)
# 3 to 9 unique values
if (nval >= 3 & nval <= 9) {
colorpal <- rev(brewer.pal(nval, 'Reds'))
colors <- ifelse([, x])==T, '#B0B0B0', colorpal[match(world@data[, x], sort(unique(world@data[, x]), decreasing=T))])
# Plot map
plot(world, col='gray30', border='gray30', lwd=1)
plot(world, col=colors, border=F, add=T)
# Legend
legend.text <- c('No data', rev(unlist(dimnames(table(world@data[, x])))))
legend(x=-170, y=15, legend=legend.text, fill=c('#B0B0B0', colorpal),
bty='n', ...)
# Continuous
if (nval > 9) {
require(shape) # for color legend
if (is.null(maxy)) maxy <- max(world@data[, x], na.rm=T)
colorpal <- brewer.pal(9, 'Reds')
colorpal <- colorpal[1:6] # adjust this to avoid too dark reds
colorpal <- colorRampPalette(colorpal)
# adjust breaks for 0-1 and other
if (diff(c(min(world@data[, x], na.rm=T), maxy)) <= 1) {
breaks <- c(0, 1)
colors <- colorpal(maxy*100)[floor(world@data[, x]*100) + 1]
colors <- ifelse([, x])==T, '#B0B0B0', colors )
} else {
breaks <- c(0, round(maxy*1/4), round(maxy/2), round(maxy*3/4), maxy)
colors <- colorpal(maxy)[floor(world@data[, x]) + 1]
colors <- ifelse([, x])==T, '#B0B0B0', colors )
# Plot map
plot(world, col='gray30', border='gray30', lwd=1)
plot(world, col=colors, border=F, add=T)
colorlegend(posy=c(0.1, 0.45), posx=c(0.12, 0.14),
col=colorpal(100), zlim=c(0, maxy), zval=breaks,
main=legend.title, main.cex=1.2, cex=1.2)
# Legends?
# What about continuous that spans zero?
# how to pick breaks in cont. colorlegend
# transforming continuous data for plotting
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