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Created December 15, 2014 11:32
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Descriptive look at Archigos leader entry/exit and tenure length for different regime types, using the Polity IV data and scheme for the latter.
# Archigos transitions and tenure by regime type
# Andreas Beger
# 15 December 2014
# Polity IV d (case format)
# download at
p4d <- read.xls("p4v2013d.xls", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
p4d$start <- with(p4d, as.Date(paste(byear, bmonth, bday, sep="-")))
p4d$end <- with(p4d, as.Date(paste(eyear, emonth, eday, sep="-")))
p4d$end[$end)] <- as.Date("2013-12-31")
p4d$polity <- with(p4d, democ-autoc)
# Read and fix Archigos
# download at
arch <- read.dta("Archigos_2.9-Public.dta")
arch <- within(arch, {
startdate <- as.Date(startdate, format="%d/%m/%Y")
enddate <- as.Date(enddate, format="%d/%m/%Y")
# Code entry and exit as factor
arch$entry <- factor(arch$entry, labels=c("unknown", "regular", "irregular", "foreign_imposed"))
arch$exit <- factor(arch$exit, labels=c("in_power", "unknown", "regular", "natural_death", "ill_health", "suicide", "irregular", "foreign_deposed"))
# Code average Polity score for a country under a leader's tenure
# Need to weigh by the amount of time that a polity coding overlaps with a
# leader's tenure.
arch$polity <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(arch)) {
ldr_start <- arch$startdate[i]
ldr_end <- arch$enddate[i]
ldr_ccode <- arch$ccode[i]
# Keep only Polity records matchig counry and which overlap ldr tenure
before <- with(p4d, (start < ldr_start & end < ldr_start))
after <- with(p4d, (start > ldr_end & end > ldr_end))
pol <- subset(p4d, !before & !after & p4d$ccode==ldr_ccode, select=c("start", "end", "polity"), drop=TRUE)
# Identify between regime lengths and leader tenure, so we can weigh that
# regimes polity contribution
lead_hang <- difftime(ldr_start, pol$start, unit="days")
lead_hang[lead_hang < 0] <- 0
tail_hang <- difftime(pol$end, ldr_end, unit="days")
tail_hang[tail_hang < 0] <- 0
pol$overlap <- as.numeric(round(with(pol, difftime(end, start) - lead_hang - tail_hang)))
pol$w <- pol$overlap / sum(pol$overlap)
arch$polity[i] <- with(pol, weighted.mean(polity, w))
# Entries for autocracies
table(arch$entry[arch$polity < 6])
table(arch$entry[arch$polity < -4])
# Exits for autocracies
table(arch$exit[arch$polity < 6])
table(arch$exit[arch$polity < -4])
# Translate to Polity regime categories
reg_lbl <- c("autocracy", "closed_anocracy", "open_anocracy", "democracy",
arch$regime <- cut(arch$polity, breaks=c(-11, -6, 0, 5, 9, 10), labels=reg_lbl)
arch$regime <- factor(arch$regime, exclude=FALSE, labels=c(reg_lbl, "failed/occupied"))
# Entry/exit by regime ----------------------------------------------------
# Mosaic plots of entry and exit by regime.
png("entry-by-regime.png", height=height, width=height*1.3)
mosaic(~ regime + entry, data=arch, main="Leader entry",
rot_labels=c(45, 0, 0, 0), just_labels=c("left", "right"),
varnames=c(FALSE, FALSE)))
png("exit-by-regime.png", height=height, width=height*1.3)
mosaic(~ regime + exit, data=arch, main="Leader exit",
rot_labels=c(45, 0, 0, 0), just_labels=c("left", "right"),
varnames=c(FALSE, FALSE)))
# Histograms of tenure by regime ------------------------------------------
# Distribution of tenure times by regime. Does not account for
# leaders still in power at end of data collection (right-censored)
arch$months_in_power <- with(arch, difftime(enddate, startdate, units="days"))
arch$months_in_power <- with(arch, as.numeric(months_in_power)/30)
pp <- ggplot(data=arch, aes(x=months_in_power)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth=0.05) +
facet_wrap(~ regime) +
scale_x_log10() +
theme_bw() +
geom_vline(xintercept=c(c(1, 4, 8)*12), col="cyan", alpha=0.3) +
ylab("") + xlab("Months in power")
ggsave(plot=pp, file="months-in-power-by-reg.png", width=6, height=4)
# Leader tenure over time -------------------------------------------------
# Plot of leader tenure (time in office) over time.
# Some leaders in the data assumed power before the nominal start date of
# Archigos, 1875. While those entry dates are recorded, there are no records
# for other leaders who entered around the same but left before 1875, so the
# records are in- complete. Similarly, some current leader are still in office
# at the time data collection stopped and thus right-censored.
arch[arch$months_in_power > 400, c("idacr", "leader", "startdate", "months_in_power")]
arch$censored <- with(arch, startdate < "1875-01-01" | enddate == "2004-12-31")
pp <- ggplot(data=arch, aes(x=startdate, y=months_in_power, col=censored)) +
geom_point() +
stat_smooth(data=arch[!arch$censored, ], aes(x=startdate, y=months_in_power)) +
xlab("Entry to power") + ylab("Months in power")
ggsave(plot=pp, file="in-power-over-time.png", width=6, height=4)
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