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Last active August 7, 2019 17:54
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  • Save andybp85/f0665dd5e90f04b459173dff2e74063e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andybp85/f0665dd5e90f04b459173dff2e74063e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# choco install fzf; Install-Module PSReadline; Install-Module PSFzf
Import-Module PSReadline
Remove-PSReadlineKeyHandler 'Ctrl+r'
Import-Module PSFzf
# choco install poshgit
Import-Module 'C:\tools\poshgit\dahlbyk-posh-git-9bda399\src\posh-git.psd1'
$GitPromptSettings.DefaultPromptPrefix = '`n'
$GitPromptSettings.DefaultPromptAbbreviateHomeDirectory = $true
$GitPromptSettings.DefaultPromptSuffix = '`n$([DateTime]::now.ToString("MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) > '
Set-Alias ssh-agent "$env:ProgramFiles\git\usr\bin\ssh-agent.exe"
Set-Alias ssh-add "$env:ProgramFiles\git\usr\bin\ssh-add.exe"
Start-SshAgent -Quiet
New-Alias -Name g -Value "$Env:ProgramFiles\Git\bin\git.exe"
New-Alias -Name n -Value "npm"
cd ~
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