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Created January 18, 2020 13:27
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An alternative approach to the FizzBuzz problem that doesn't use modules
module Program =
type Fizz = Fizz
type Buzz = Buzz
let fizzBuzzLines =
let fizzPattern = Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> [ None; None; Some Fizz ] ) |> Seq.concat
let buzzPattern = Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> [ None; None; None; None; Some Buzz ] ) |> Seq.concat
let fizzBuzzPattern =
|> fizzPattern
|> Seq.mapi(fun i (fizz, buzz) ->
match (fizz, buzz) with
| Some(_), Some(_) -> "FizzBuzz"
| Some(_), _ -> "Fizz"
| _, Some(_) -> "Buzz"
| None, None -> string (i + 1))
let [<EntryPoint>] main _ =
|> Seq.take 50
|> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")
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