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Created June 24, 2024 12:59
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import { ReportParameterCheckboxOption, ReportParameterListOption, ReportParameterOption } from './parameterTypes';
/// Example Usage:
const forRiskParams = parameterGenerator<RiskParams>().pipe((gen) => [
const forAdditional = parameterGenerator<ReportOptions>().pipe((gen) => [
type ListOptionT = { label: string; value: string };
export const parameterGenerator = <T extends object>(defaults?: T, current?: T) => {
const getEnumValues = <TEnum extends object>(enm: TEnum) => {
return Object.values(enm);
const generator = {
forProperty: (propName: keyof T, label?: string) => {
const effectiveLabel = label ?? (propName as string);
const selected = current ? current[propName] : defaults ? defaults[propName] : undefined;
const fromList = (options: ListOptionT[]): ReportParameterOption => {
const selectedOption =
options.find((option) => option.value === selected) ??
(options.length > 0 ? options[0] : undefined);
const asDropdown: ReportParameterListOption = {
type: 'list',
title: effectiveLabel,
options: options,
selected: selectedOption
return {
propertyName: propName as string,
option: asDropdown
return {
fromBoolean: (): ReportParameterOption => {
const asCheckbox: ReportParameterCheckboxOption = {
type: 'checkbox',
title: effectiveLabel,
isChecked: current
? (current[propName] as boolean)
: defaults
? (defaults[propName] as boolean)
: false
return {
propertyName: propName as string,
option: asCheckbox
fromList: fromList,
fromEnum: <TEnum extends object>(
enm: TEnum,
filter?: (val: TEnum) => boolean
): ReportParameterOption => {
const enumValues = getEnumValues(enm).filter((k) => !filter || filter(k));
const asOptions = => ({ label: k as string, value: k as string }));
return fromList(asOptions);
return {
pipe: <X>(f: (gen: typeof generator) => X) => f(generator)
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