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Forked from ehynds/widget-template.js
Created April 12, 2012 19:42
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Save andybuchanan/2370489 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Attempt at Jquery UI Widget "boilerplate" with local and global variables and functions
// This is my attempt at a Jquery UI Widget boilerplate which expands upon the others I have
// seen. Of particular interest to me is establishing best practices for instance, widget and
// global; variables, arrays, object, functions....
(function($, undefined){
// locals - accessible by all instances but not accessible outside this closure
instances = []; // ITEM_1 - local array
// see ITEM_2 for global alternative
var local = 'value'; // local variable
localFunct = function() { // local function (constitutes a private method)
// ...
$.widget("myNameSpace.myWidget", {
// ITEM_4 - objects defined here will be added to the widget's
// prototype. They will be local to the individual instance.
// Example of constants obj accessible via this.constants.[key]
// Cannot be accessed outside the widget. Each instance will receive these
// initial values but maintain its own values like options but there is no
// built in method to allow access via the widget API.
_constants: {
widgetName: myWidget,
author: me
options: {
autoOpen: true
_create: function(){
// by default, consider this thing closed.
this._isOpen = false; // ITEM_3 this is an instance variable - accessible
// within all methods. Each instance maintains it own value
// because _isOpen is assigned to the instance (this is the instance)
// remember this instance
// for use with ITEM_2
// for use with ITEM_1
_init: function(){
// call open if this instance should be open by default
if( this.options.autoOpen ){;
open: function(){
this._isOpen = true;
// optional auto close of other instances
// trigger beforeopen event. if beforeopen returns false,
// bail out of this method.
if( this._trigger("beforeopen") === false ){
// call methods on every other instance of this dialog
$.each( this._getOtherInstances(), function(){
var $this = $(this);
// more open related code here
// optional trigger open event
return this;
close: function(){
this._isOpen = false;
// optional trigger close event
return this;
isOpen: function(){
return this._isOpen;
destroy: function(){
// remove this instance from instances array
var element = this.element,
// for use with ITEM_2
position = $.inArray(element, $.ui.myWidget.instances);
// for use with ITEM_1
position = $.inArray(element, instances);
// if this instance was found, splice it off
if(position > -1){
// for use with ITEM_2
$.myNameSpace.myWidget.instances.splice(position, 1);
// for use with ITEM_1
instances.splice(position, 1);
// call the original destroy method since we overwrote it
$ this );
_getOtherInstances: function(){ // for use with ITEM_2
var element = this.element;
// for use with ITEM_2
return $.grep($.myNameSpace.myWidget.instances, function(el){
return el !== element;
// for use with ITEM_1
return $.grep(instances, function(el){
return el !== element;
_setOption: function(key, value){
this.options[key] = value;
switch(key){ // for special case options
case "something":
// perform some additional logic if just setting the new
// value in this.options is not enough.
$.extend($.myNameSpace.myWidget, {
instances: [] // ITEM_2 - global at $.myNameSpace.myWidget.instances
// see ITEM_1 for local alternative
// don't need to add global function example
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This is a work in progress. It may or may not be right. If you have comments, suggestions, etc. please leave a comment.

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