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Last active June 27, 2022 18:54
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simple monorepo structure

monorepo tooling is still NX, just way simplified.

Repo Structure

├── apps
│   ├── api
│   │   └── Dockerfile
│   ├── worker
│   │   └── Dockerfile
│   ├── desktop
│   └── web
│       └── Dockerfile
├── db
│   ├── init-scripts
│   ├── migrations
│   └── seeds
├── libs
│   ├── common
│   ├── ui-common
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── generated
│   │   └── graphql
│   ├── handlers
│   │   ├── enrichRawOrderEventHandler
│   │   ├── orderEventHandler
│   │   └── routeEventHandler
│   └── models
├── deployment
└── tools


ALL microservices will use the SAME application, but with different config/parameters given at runtime to select the desired MODULE that will do the actual biz work

eg: we have a nest app called WORKER

in cluster, we have say, 5 different DEPLOYMENTS that all use the same docker image: valstro/worker

but 5 different commands

node worker.js --topic order-events-dev --handler orchestrate-order-events
node worker.js --topic order-route-requests-dev --handler route-orders-handler
node worker.js --topic incoming-raw-orders --handler enrich-and-create-orders-handler

this does a bunch of good things for our monorepo and dev experience:

  • devs don't have to think about the mechanics of running a service, just the biz logic.
  • all transport layer code lives in the WORKER. only biz logic in HANDLERS modulespotentially the WORKER can maybe even be owned by platform in the beginning.
  • deployments are way faster and don't grow linearly with number of WORKER permutations, always N HANDLER MODULES = 1 docker build
  • best-practices are free for anyone building a service
  • HANDLER MODULES can even be developed externally from monorepo if we really want to
  • enable many topic :: many consumer pretty easily. just run node worker.js with same topic arg and different consumer args.
  • no more env variable sprawl for different kafka consumers/services.



  • user-facing api for ingestion, exports, etc.
  • graphql api used for ALL data-access. no other application needs direct DB access. all apps use graphql to access database.
  • all other API needs


  • our react web app. doesn't have to change much


  • our tauri app


  • kafka consumer driver
  • parameters determine kafka topic to listen to, and handler to execute on consume
  • single kafka consumer application, can be run any number of times for any number of permutations of topic X handler.
  • ALL transport-level logic lives here. consumer config, topic listen, batches, onMessage handler, offset handling, tracing, etc.


  • database migrations
  • database seeding scripts
  • database init scripts



  • code used in any other app or lib
  • cross cutting modules like logging, etc.


  • code used in web and desktop


  • graphql queries and types
  • generated typescript types from gql


  • heavy models backed by xState machines where it makes sense (OrderModel)


  • modules that actually know how to handle specific types of events and take a specific action (single-purpose)
  • handlers are all driven by WORKER app given a specified kafka topic and handler name.
  • single-purpose. one CATEGORY of event handled by each HANDLER
    • one event CATEGORY could have multiple TYPES of events in the typescript sense (eg. polymorphism... OrderRequestedEvent extends OrderEvent, etc.)
  • all have same api, eg. handleEvent(event: T): Promise<void> to interface with consumer logic in WORKER app
  • no TRANSPORT-level logic here. just biz logic for event handling.


  • helm charts
  • other resources needed for deployments


Single Postgres DB




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