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Last active September 19, 2022 19:33
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  • Save andycmaj/f49ba94b85e48ea49f4482efb2f94ffe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andycmaj/f49ba94b85e48ea49f4482efb2f94ffe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
offline stitching
❯ pnpx ts-node stitch.ts
.../Library/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-88146  | Progress: resolved 1, reused 0, downloaded .../Library/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-88146  | Progress: resolved 13, reused 13, downloade.../Library/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-88146  |  +17 ++
.../Library/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-88146  | Progress: resolved 13, reused 13, downloadePackages are hard linked from the content-addressable store to the virtual store.
  Content-addressable store is at: /Users/ac/Library/pnpm/store/v3
  Virtual store is at:             ../../../Library/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-88146/node_modules/.pnpm
.../Library/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-88146  | Progress: resolved 13, reused 13, downloade.../Library/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-88146  | Progress: resolved 17, reused 17, downloade WARN  Issues with peer dependencies found
└─┬ ts-node
  ├── ✕ missing peer @types/node@"*"
  └── ✕ missing peer typescript@>=2.7
Peer dependencies that should be installed:
  @types/node@"*"   typescript@>=2.7

.../Library/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-88146  | Progress: resolved 17, reused 17, downloade.../Library/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-88146  | Progress: resolved 17, reused 17, downloaded 0, added 17, done
schema {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation
  subscription: Subscription

type Query {
  fetch data from the table: "backend_stuff"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [backend_stuff_select_column!]
    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int
    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int
    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [backend_stuff_order_by!]
    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: backend_stuff_bool_exp
  ): [backend_stuff!]!
  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "backend_stuff"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [backend_stuff_select_column!]
    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int
    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int
    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [backend_stuff_order_by!]
    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: backend_stuff_bool_exp
  ): backend_stuff_aggregate!
  """fetch data from the table: "backend_stuff" using primary key columns"""
  backend_stuff_by_pk(id: Int!): backend_stuff

"""mutation root"""
type Mutation {
  delete data from the table: "backend_stuff"
    """filter the rows which have to be deleted"""
    where: backend_stuff_bool_exp!
  ): backend_stuff_mutation_response
  delete single row from the table: "backend_stuff"
  delete_backend_stuff_by_pk(id: Int!): backend_stuff
  insert data into the table: "backend_stuff"
    """the rows to be inserted"""
    objects: [backend_stuff_insert_input!]!
    """on conflict condition"""
    on_conflict: backend_stuff_on_conflict
  ): backend_stuff_mutation_response
  insert a single row into the table: "backend_stuff"
    """the row to be inserted"""
    object: backend_stuff_insert_input!
    """on conflict condition"""
    on_conflict: backend_stuff_on_conflict
  ): backend_stuff
  update data of the table: "backend_stuff"
    """increments the numeric columns with given value of the filtered values"""
    _inc: backend_stuff_inc_input
    """sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
    _set: backend_stuff_set_input
    """filter the rows which have to be updated"""
    where: backend_stuff_bool_exp!
  ): backend_stuff_mutation_response
  update single row of the table: "backend_stuff"
    """increments the numeric columns with given value of the filtered values"""
    _inc: backend_stuff_inc_input
    """sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
    _set: backend_stuff_set_input
    pk_columns: backend_stuff_pk_columns_input!
  ): backend_stuff

type Subscription {
  fetch data from the table: "backend_stuff"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [backend_stuff_select_column!]
    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int
    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int
    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [backend_stuff_order_by!]
    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: backend_stuff_bool_exp
  ): [backend_stuff!]!
  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "backend_stuff"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [backend_stuff_select_column!]
    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int
    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int
    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [backend_stuff_order_by!]
    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: backend_stuff_bool_exp
  ): backend_stuff_aggregate!
  """fetch data from the table: "backend_stuff" using primary key columns"""
  backend_stuff_by_pk(id: Int!): backend_stuff

"""Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Int". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'."""
input Int_comparison_exp {
  _eq: Int
  _gt: Int
  _gte: Int
  _in: [Int!]
  _is_null: Boolean
  _lt: Int
  _lte: Int
  _neq: Int
  _nin: [Int!]

columns and relationships of "backend_stuff"
type backend_stuff {
  created_at: timestamptz!
  id: Int!

aggregated selection of "backend_stuff"
type backend_stuff_aggregate {
  aggregate: backend_stuff_aggregate_fields
  nodes: [backend_stuff!]!

aggregate fields of "backend_stuff"
type backend_stuff_aggregate_fields {
  avg: backend_stuff_avg_fields
  count(columns: [backend_stuff_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
  max: backend_stuff_max_fields
  min: backend_stuff_min_fields
  stddev: backend_stuff_stddev_fields
  stddev_pop: backend_stuff_stddev_pop_fields
  stddev_samp: backend_stuff_stddev_samp_fields
  sum: backend_stuff_sum_fields
  var_pop: backend_stuff_var_pop_fields
  var_samp: backend_stuff_var_samp_fields
  variance: backend_stuff_variance_fields

"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type backend_stuff_avg_fields {
  id: Float

"""Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "backend_stuff". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'."""
input backend_stuff_bool_exp {
  _and: [backend_stuff_bool_exp!]
  _not: backend_stuff_bool_exp
  _or: [backend_stuff_bool_exp!]
  created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
  id: Int_comparison_exp

unique or primary key constraints on table "backend_stuff"
enum backend_stuff_constraint {
  """unique or primary key constraint"""

input type for incrementing numeric columns in table "backend_stuff"
input backend_stuff_inc_input {
  id: Int

input type for inserting data into table "backend_stuff"
input backend_stuff_insert_input {
  created_at: timestamptz
  id: Int

"""aggregate max on columns"""
type backend_stuff_max_fields {
  created_at: timestamptz
  id: Int

"""aggregate min on columns"""
type backend_stuff_min_fields {
  created_at: timestamptz
  id: Int

response of any mutation on the table "backend_stuff"
type backend_stuff_mutation_response {
  """number of rows affected by the mutation"""
  affected_rows: Int!
  """data from the rows affected by the mutation"""
  returning: [backend_stuff!]!

on conflict condition type for table "backend_stuff"
input backend_stuff_on_conflict {
  constraint: backend_stuff_constraint!
  update_columns: [backend_stuff_update_column!]! = []
  where: backend_stuff_bool_exp

"""Ordering options when selecting data from "backend_stuff"."""
input backend_stuff_order_by {
  created_at: order_by
  id: order_by

"""primary key columns input for table: backend_stuff"""
input backend_stuff_pk_columns_input {
  id: Int!

select columns of table "backend_stuff"
enum backend_stuff_select_column {
  """column name"""
  """column name"""

input type for updating data in table "backend_stuff"
input backend_stuff_set_input {
  created_at: timestamptz
  id: Int

"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type backend_stuff_stddev_fields {
  id: Float

"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type backend_stuff_stddev_pop_fields {
  id: Float

"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type backend_stuff_stddev_samp_fields {
  id: Float

"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type backend_stuff_sum_fields {
  id: Int

update columns of table "backend_stuff"
enum backend_stuff_update_column {
  """column name"""
  """column name"""

"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type backend_stuff_var_pop_fields {
  id: Float

"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type backend_stuff_var_samp_fields {
  id: Float

"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type backend_stuff_variance_fields {
  id: Float

"""column ordering options"""
enum order_by {
  """in ascending order, nulls last"""
  """in ascending order, nulls first"""
  """in ascending order, nulls last"""
  """in descending order, nulls first"""
  """in descending order, nulls first"""
  """in descending order, nulls last"""

scalar timestamptz

"""Boolean expression to compare columns of type "timestamptz". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'."""
input timestamptz_comparison_exp {
  _eq: timestamptz
  _gt: timestamptz
  _gte: timestamptz
  _in: [timestamptz!]
  _is_null: Boolean
  _lt: timestamptz
  _lte: timestamptz
  _neq: timestamptz
  _nin: [timestamptz!]
import { stitchSchemas } from '@graphql-tools/stitch';
import { introspectSchema } from '@graphql-tools/wrap';
import { AsyncExecutor } from '@graphql-tools/utils';
import { IncomingMessage } from 'http';
import { GraphQLSchema, print } from 'graphql';
import { fetch } from 'cross-fetch';
import { printSchemaWithDirectives } from '@graphql-tools/utils';
export interface IGraphlContext {
req: IncomingMessage;
export interface IPrevContext {
graphqlContext: IGraphlContext;
// Builds a remote schema executor function,
// customize any way that you need (auth, headers, etc).
// Expects to receive an object with "document" and "variable" params,
// and asynchronously returns a JSON response from the remote.
function makeRemoteExecutor(url: string) {
const executor: AsyncExecutor = async ({ document, variables, context }) => {
const query = typeof document === 'string' ? document : print(document);
const fetchResult = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: context.authHeader
? {
'x-hasura-admin-secret': context.authHeader,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
: context.req.headers,
body: JSON.stringify({ query, variables }),
return fetchResult.json();
return executor;
async function main() {
let remoteExecutableSchema: any = null;
try {
remoteExecutableSchema = makeRemoteExecutor(
} catch (e) {
const adminContext = {
authHeader: 'myadminsecretkey',
const result = await stitchSchemas({
subschemas: [
// 1. Introspect a remote schema. Simple, but there are caveats:
// - Remote server must enable introspection.
// - Custom directives are not included in introspection.
schema: await introspectSchema(remoteExecutableSchema, adminContext),
executor: remoteExecutableSchema,
// {
// // 2. Incorporate a locally-executable subschema.
// // No need for a remote executor!
// // Note that that the gateway still proxies through
// // to this same underlying executable schema instance.
// schema,
// },
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