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Created February 13, 2015 14:34
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var textArray = [
'There is an acorn, and it is a golden acorn. We're taking acorns to the next level.',
'I still have nightmares about holding German sausages over my head.',
'I want you to think of the sword as a conductor's baton. As you're fighting, we'll be introducing different musical elements, the more successful you are. And we'll be upping the tempo of the music, the more abilities that you unlock. So you not only get more of a score, you get a cooler soundtrack.',
'And if I really was a hero, and were in a world that was, you know, a world of heroes... I don't think I would be like Robin Hood. I think I want to keep a bit of the money. I'd give SOME away, but I wouldn't give it ALL away. I just think that's crazy.',
'The British people hate successful people; that's why our newspapers are so successful -- because we as a nation build people up, and as soon as they smell success we smash them down into the ground again!',
'I used to have this chat-up line, my only chat-up line. Imagine you're walking on a path - what's the path like? Imagine you go to the woods - what does the forest look like?',
'It's easy for me to guess that people like relaxation, but was there a way I could measure it?',
'We're explorers who have just discovered this new continent of emotion.',
'Allow players to marry each other; allow them to have children together.',
'You can actually break someone's neck on some railing during combat. It could be a spike on a fence or a solid brick wall, and you'll get increased experience for that as well.',
'You can eliminate starvation or you can double it, you can empty the treasury or fill it with gold and rub it all over your body?',
'I thought, if this crashes the plane, me turning my phone on, so be it',
'There's this new thing called the digital relationship: we have a digital relationship with players now.',
'I'm not punishing you for button mashing; I'm rewarding you for not button mashing, and that is a really big distinction.',
'This time I'm going to make it really tough to be good. Truly being good is all about sacrifice. How much are you going to sacrifice to do good?',
'I'm angry. I'm super angry. My wife is barely talking to me now, because she lost a million gold coins.',
'You know what this industry's like, as soon as there is the scent of death, everyone jumps on the hearse.',
'What do you want, as a player, to be when you play football, and what do you want to feel when you play?',
'The fact I have to filter those friends by their skill and by what they're able to do... There's an incredible opportunity there.',
'I have to be careful what I say, there are PR policeman in the audience with sniper rifles.',
'I'm only going to make one more game, I think. And that thought – the thought of every ounce of my energy, every ounce of my experience, every mistake that I've made in every single game – if I can learn from that, and use that energy to make one game… that's what I'm trying to do.',
'To go back to those grass roots again, and to go and get your hands so incredibly dirty from fiddling around.',
'We've got tons of graphs and data coming in, and looking at that is the most inspirational thing I have seen as a game designer, ever.',
'If you could imagine, there was this hill completely full of people, like a forest of people. It was quite scary, actually.',
'You're a rebel and being this rebel, you need to get people to follow you, and they'll do it if you promise to do certain things – you have to sign a piece of paper.',
'When you watch a film, you think why does the baddy have to lose? In James Bond, I always thought it's so unfair, it must have taken ages to build that base and think of the staffing costs!',
'The engine isn't finished. Her buttocks are wrong.',
'You and your girlfriend will enjoy this like you've never enjoyed anything else in your life.',
'Part of the fun of dogs is they misbehave and can be enormously embarrassing to the owner.',
'You can shake people's hands, you can hug them, too. We were inspired by the American man hug - although please don't do it with British people, we find the closeness of the genitalia really frightening.',
'I think the worst time for me that I've ever had an inspirational idea, which was an idea for a feature in Black & White, was actually when I was being intimate with my wife.',
'I wish I had some time machine and could go back two weeks. You live by your mistakes, for sure.',
'When you rip your fingers on the screen and you tear the landscape apart with your physical hands, it just feels amazing, man. It feels amazing.',
'I want you to experience things like unconditional love – that's what I'm trying to get to.',
'They could start combining magic together and switching between guns and swords, because they were the same.',
'If you really were free to do anything in the world, I think you'd end up being confused, and that's a very interesting point, a design point, actually.',
'Will the first female nudity give you a success or will it turn off the audience?',
'I could be alone in a pub drinking a pint of bitter. Come along!',
'If you love your dog, we're gonna mess with your mind, man. You're not going to be able to go to bed.',
'Remember, this is a role playing game; all the different weapons have different music sounds and give a very individual feel to the combat.',
'His purpose in life - like Asimov's laws of robotics - is not to aggravate you; Not to piss you off. His second thought is this: He absolutely loves you.',
'I don't think experiments should be just experiments. They should start becoming things.',
'The trouble with a lot of Hollywood stuff is—I'm so bored with it. James Bond, Tom Cruise—the character of the hero is locked in concrete. He must have a love interest, they must end up in bed, he never talks under torture. The only surprise is whether they're on top of a cliff or under water.'
var timesSpoken = 0;
if( $('#molybot').prop("disabled") === true ) return;
if ( event.which == 13 || event.keyCode == 13 ) {
if ( $('#molybot').val().length < 2 ) {
$('body').append( '<p style="color:#ccc; font-style:italic;">Please enter a longer message.</p>');
$('#molybot').prop("disabled", true);
var value = $('#molybot').val();
$('body').append( '<p><strong>You</strong>:' + value + '</p>');
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*textArray.length);
$('body').append( '<p id="typing" style="color:#ccc; font-style:italic;">Peter Molyneux is typing...');
setTimeout(function () {
$('#molybot').prop("disabled", false);
if (timesSpoken == 1) {
$('body').append('<p><strong>Peter Molyneux</strong>: Hey there! Nice to meet you.</p>');
if (timesSpoken == 3) {
$('body').append('<p><strong>Peter Molyneux</strong>: You\'re getting emotional now.</p>');
if (timesSpoken == 6) {
$('body').append( '<p><strong>Peter Molyneux</strong>: I\'m done talking to you fuck off mate.</p>');
if (timesSpoken > 6) {
$('body').append( '<p><strong>Peter Molyneux</strong>:' + textArray[randomNumber] + '</p>');
}, 2000);
textArray.splice(randomNumber, 1);
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