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Last active November 14, 2023 08:51
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Breakdown of common Maven dependencies.

Maven Dependencies:

Add these using Spring Initializr or by manually adding them to your pom.xml. They cover projects using test-driven-development, microservices, containerization, and more. Be sure to use the most up-to-date versions!

Spring Web [ WEB ]:

Allows an application to accept HTTP requests. Build web, including RESTful, applications using Spring MVC. Uses Apache Tomcat as the default embedded container.



NOT from Spring Initializr.

Allows us to use JUnit 4 for testing.


Validation [ I/O ]:

Allows us to set validation constraints (ISR303 - like @NotEmpty, @Min) on our model fields. Enables @Valid to enforce/run constraints.



NOT from Spring Initializr.

Allows us to automatically generate Swagger/OpenAPI documentation for our API.


Spring Data JPA [ SQL ]:

Enables the use of Spring Data JPA in applications, including the JPARepository class and automatic creation of tables and columns in the database.

In order to use a JPARepository<type, typeOfPrimaryKey> interface, use the @Repository annotation so that the application will make an instance to use.


MySQL Driver [ SQL ]:

Enables an application to connect to MySQL database(s). We configured our database properties in


Config Server [ SPRING CLOUD CONFIG ]:

This is required in order to make an application function as a configuration server.

  • Part of Spring Cloud Config.
  • Also, annotate the main class with @EnableConfigServer.
  • Set server.port in properties.
  • Set location of GitHub repository that contains configurationn files in properties.

Config Client [ SPRING CLOUD CONFIG ]:

This is required for an application to request its configuration from a config server.

  • Part of Spring Cloud Config.
  • Set in properties.
  • Include the location of the config server to properties with spring.config.import=optional.configserver:http://localhost:9999/. This will connect to a config server running locally on port 9999.

Spring Boot Actuator [ OPS ]

Supports built-in (or custom) endpoints that let you monitor and manage your application. We used this to allow our application to re-read its configuration without needing to restart the application.

  • Mark a class with @RefreshScope.
  • Read values from configuration into instance variables using the @Value annotation.
  • Add the following to properties management.endpoints.web.exposure.includes=*.


Allows an application to be a Eureka Server/Service Registry.

  • Part of Spring Cloud Config.
  • Mark main class with @EnableEurekaServer.
  • Check Eureka dashboard at http://localhost:8761 if your server is running on port 8761.
  • Set port and disable High Availability in properties file as follows:
# Shut off the client functionality of the Eureka server (used for HA)

Eureka Discovery Client [ SPRING CLOUD DISCOVERY ]

Allows an application to be a Eureka client. A Eureka client registers with a Eureka server and uses it to discover other services.

  • Part of Spring Cloud Config.
  • Must set in properties.

Feign Client

NOT from Spring Initializr.

  • Part of Spring Cloud Config.
  • Important: Annotate the main class with @EnableFeignClient(name=<service_name>). For example, @FeignClient(name="<service_name>"). The name is looked up using the Service Registry. Therefore, this dependency is generally used with the Eureka Client dependency.


NOT from Spring Initializr.


Spring Cache Abstration [ I/O ]

  • Part of Spring Cloud Config.
  • Important: Add @EnableCaching to main class.
  • Add @CacheConfig(nameName={<name>}) to controller that does the caching. For example, for a cache named rsvps: @CacheConfig(cacheName={"rsvps"}).
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