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Created February 20, 2009 13:38
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Lizard Feeder: Focus/Context + Word Cloud
// @namespace
// @include
// ==/UserScript==
* Multi-column (just add float left, line 29)
* unsuccesful port to DOM mutation
* Version 0.0.4 Feb 20, 2009
* Initial version by Andy Edmonds
* This script is licensed under the MPL.
* Excluding ReplaceAll prototype (license unstated)
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(pcFrom, pcTo){
var i = this.indexOf(pcFrom);
var c = this;
while (i > -1){
c = c.replace(pcFrom, pcTo);
i = c.indexOf(pcFrom);
return c;
var feedHack = {
refresh: 300,
timeout: false,
counts: {},
words: {},
ignore: { 'the': true, 'a':true, 'of':true, 'bug': true, '1': true, '2':true, 'mozilla': true, 'rt': true, 'its':true, 'doesnt': true,
'it':true, 'is':true, 'in': true, 'at': true, 'and':true, 'com':true, 'it':true, 'from':true, 'when':true, 'for':true,
'tinyurl':true, 'to': true, '0':true, 'and':true, 'bit':true, 'ly':true, 'https':true, 'on':true, 'no':true, 'do':true,'you':true,'all':true,
'with':true, 'how':true, 'be':true, 'like':true, 'will':true, 'me':true, 'my':true, 'but':true, 'can': true, 'as':true, 'or':true, 'not':true,
'are':true, 'does':true, 'if':true, 'that':true, 'has':true, 'an':true, 'also':true, 'www':true
feedHack.init = function init() {
$ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;
$("li.filter").css("opacity", .5);
$("li.filter").css("font-size", this.inactiveEm + 'em');
$("#intro").css("z-index", 20);
$("#content").append("<div style='position:absolute;top:180px;left:630px;z-index:10;opacity:.5;background-color:;width:400px;height:2000px;overflow:hidden;' id='wordpalette'>&nbsp;</div>");
window.setInterval(this.feedHack, this.refresh);
// From
feedHack.addGlobalStyle = function (css) {
var head, style;
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!head) { return; }
style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = css;
feedHack.feedHack = function () {
$ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;
var text;
for(var type in feedHack.counts) {
$("" + type).css("opacity", 1);
function( offset ){
if($(this).css("maxWidth") != '360px') {
node = this.getElementsByTagName("A")[0].innerHTML;
node = node.replaceAll("http://","");
node = node.replaceAll("/"," ");
node = node.replaceAll("\\"," ");
node = node.replaceAll("."," ");
node = node.replaceAll("."," ");
node = node.replaceAll("."," ");
node = node.replaceAll(","," ");
node = node.replaceAll("- "," ");
node = node.replaceAll(" -"," ");
node = node.replaceAll("_"," ");
node = node.replaceAll(":"," ");
node = node.replaceAll("'"," ");
node = node.replaceAll('"',' ');
node = node.replaceAll('"',' ');
node = node.replaceAll(')','');
node = node.replaceAll('(','');
node = node.replaceAll('!','');
node = node.replaceAll('?','');
node = node.replaceAll('>','');
node = node.replaceAll('<','');
node = node.replaceAll('[','');
node = node.replaceAll(']','');
node = node.replaceAll(';','');
node = node.replaceAll('@','');
var nodes = node.split(" ");
for(var i =0;i<nodes.length;i++) {
text = nodes[i];
if(text.length > 1 && typeof(feedHack.ignore[text.toLowerCase()]) == 'undefined') {
if(typeof(feedHack.words[text.toLowerCase()]) == 'undefined') {
feedHack.words[text.toLowerCase()] = new Object;
//console.log("adding " + nodes[i]);
} = '360px';
var arClass = this.className.split(" ");
for(var classOffset = 0; classOffset < arClass.length; classOffset++) {
if(arClass[classOffset].indexOf("group-") > -1) {
var type = arClass[classOffset].split("-")[1];
if(!feedHack.counts[type]) feedHack.counts[type]=0;
var sum = 0;
for(var type in feedHack.counts) {
sum += feedHack.counts[type];
for(var type in feedHack.counts) {
//console.log("Bouns ems " + (feedHack.counts[type]/sum)+ " " + ((1.0 * feedHack.baseEm + ((feedHack.counts[type]/sum)*feedHack.ems)) + "em") );
$(""+ type + ".filter" ).css("font-size", (1.0 * feedHack.baseEm + ((feedHack.counts[type]/sum)*feedHack.ems)) + "em") ;
for(j in feedHack.words) {
var id = "s" + encodeURIComponent(j);
var ele = $("#" + id);
var count =feedHack.words[j].count;
if(count > 2) {
if($("#" + id).length ) {
if( ele.attr("count") != count) {
var temp = $("#" + id).remove();
$("#" + id).css("fontSize", .5 + Math.log(count) + "em");
$("#" + id).attr("count", count);
} else {
$("#wordpalette").append('<span count="' + count + '" style="font-size:' + (.5 + Math.log(count)) + 'em;" id="' + id + '">' + feedHack.words[j].pretty + ' </span>');
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