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Created May 24, 2010 18:43
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# default.gems generated gem export file. Note that any env variable settings will be missing. Append these after using a ';' field separator
aasm -v2.1.5
actionmailer -v2.3.5
actionmailer -v2.3.2
actionpack -v2.3.5
actionpack -v2.3.2
activerecord -v2.3.5
activerecord -v2.3.2
activeresource -v2.3.5
activeresource -v2.3.2
activesupport -v2.3.6
activesupport -v2.3.5
activesupport -v2.3.2
acts_as_markup -v1.3.3
addressable -v2.1.1
authlogic -v2.1.3
awesome_print -v0.1.4
awesome_print -v0.1.0
bcrypt-ruby -v2.1.2
binarylogic-searchlogic -v2.3.5
builder -v2.1.2
capistrano -v2.5.18
capistrano-ext -v1.2.1
capistrano_colors -v0.5.2
capybara -v0.3.7
capybara -v0.3.6
cgi_multipart_eof_fix -v2.5.0
cheat -v1.2.1
chronic -v0.2.3
chronic_duration -v0.9.1
configuration -v1.1.0
crack -v0.1.7
cucumber -v0.6.4
cucumber -v0.3.11
culerity -v0.2.10
culerity -v0.2.9
daemons -v1.0.10
data_objects -v0.10.1
datamapper -v0.10.2
diff-lcs -v1.1.2
dm-adjust -v0.10.2
dm-aggregates -v0.10.2
dm-ar-finders -v0.10.2
dm-cli -v0.10.2
dm-constraints -v0.10.2
dm-core -v0.10.2
dm-is-list -v0.10.2
dm-is-nested_set -v0.10.2
dm-is-remixable -v0.10.2
dm-is-searchable -v0.10.2
dm-is-state_machine -v0.10.2
dm-is-tree -v0.10.2
dm-is-versioned -v0.10.2
dm-migrations -v0.10.2
dm-observer -v0.10.2
dm-rest-adapter -v0.10.2
dm-serializer -v0.10.2
dm-sweatshop -v0.10.2
dm-tags -v0.10.2
dm-timestamps -v0.10.2
dm-types -v0.10.2
dm-validations -v0.10.2
do_sqlite3 -v0.10.1.1
eventmachine -v0.12.10
extlib -v0.9.15
extlib -v0.9.14
factory_girl -v1.2.3
factory_girl_extensions -v0.3.3
factory_girl_extensions -v0.3.2
fakeweb -v1.2.8
fastercsv -v1.5.3
fastthread -v1.0.7
ffi -v0.6.3
gem_plugin -v0.2.3
gemwhois -v0.2.1
gemwhois -v0.2
geokit -v1.5.0
github -v0.4.1
haml -v2.2.24
heroku -v1.9.1
heroku -v1.9.0
heroku -v1.8.3
highline -v1.5.2
hoe -v2.6.0
hpricot -v0.8.2
hpricot -v0.6
httparty -v0.4.3
httpclient -v2.1.5.2
indifferent-variable-hash -v0.1.0
jadof -v0.1.6
javan-whenever -v0.3.7
jnunemaker-twitter -v0.6.15
json -v1.2.4
json -v1.2.3
json_pure -v1.4.3
json_pure -v1.2.4
json_pure -v1.2.3
launchy -v0.3.5
libxml-ruby -v1.1.3
macaddr -v1.0.0
maruku -v0.6.0
mash -v0.0.3
mime-types -v1.16
mislav-will_paginate -v2.3.11
mongrel -v1.1.5
mysql -v2.8.1
net-scp -v1.0.2
net-sftp -v2.0.4
net-ssh -v2.0.22
net-ssh -v2.0.21
net-ssh -v2.0.20
net-ssh-gateway -v1.0.1
nokogiri -v1.4.2
nokogiri -v1.4.1
norman-friendly_id -v2.1.4
oauth -v0.4.0
ParseTree -v3.0.5
ParseTree -v3.0.4
philnash-bitly -v0.3.1
polyglot -v0.3.1
polyglot -v0.3.0
pony -v0.9.1
rack -v1.1.0
rack -v1.0.1
rack-flash -v0.1.1
rack-test -v0.5.3
rails -v2.3.5
rails -v2.3.2
rails_datamapper -v0.10.2
rake -v0.8.7
randexp -v0.1.5
rdiscount -v1.6.3.2
rdiscount -v1.6.3.1
rdoc -v2.5.8
RedCloth -v4.2.3
remi-rackbox -v1.1.6
remi-rails-rack-adapter -v1.0.1
remi-simplecli -v0.1.6
rest-client -v1.4.2
rest-client -v1.3.1
right_aws -v2.0.0
right_http_connection -v1.2.4
rspec -v1.3.0
rspec-rails -v1.3.2
rubyforge -v2.0.4
rubygems-update -v1.3.6
RubyInline -v3.8.4
rubyist-aasm -v2.1.1
ryanb-uniquify -v0.1.0
ryanbriones-git-pair -v0.0.3
selenium-webdriver -v0.0.18
selenium-webdriver -v0.0.17
sequel -v3.11.0
sequel -v3.10.0
settingslogic -v1.0.3
sexp_processor -v3.0.4
sexp_processor -v3.0.3
shotgun -v0.6
sinatra -v1.0
smusher -v0.4.4
sqlite3-ruby -v1.2.5
stringex -v1.1.0
syntax -v1.0.0
taps -v0.3.2
taps -v0.3.1
term-ansicolor -v1.0.5
text-format -v1.0.0
text-hyphen -v1.0.0
thin -v1.2.7
things-rb -v0.3.0
thoughtbot-factory_girl -v1.2.2
tmail -v1.2.7.1
treetop -v1.4.5
treetop -v1.4.4
unindent -v0.9
uuid -v2.3.0
uuidtools -v2.1.1
vimilicious -v0.1.5
webrat -v0.7.0
wesabe -v0.0.3
wikitext -v1.11
will_paginate -v2.3.12
wirble -v0.1.3
yard -v0.5.4
ZenTest -v4.3.1
ZenTest -v4.2.1
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