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Last active July 1, 2020 23:58
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Automated MapView test using a basemap and a modal map
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.map-view {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
button {
/* position: absolute;
top: 20px;
right: 20px; */
height: 40px;
color: white;
background-color: green;
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margin: auto;
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display: block;
animation: appear 0.3s;
@keyframes appear {
from {
opacity: 0;
transform: translateY(100px);
to {
opacity: 1;
transform: translateY(0);
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// The upper-part of this file contains declarations. The entry-point code begins further below with the `require` function.
// MapViewService is responsible for creating, storing, and re-using instances of MapViews with their associated MapView containers/DOM nodes and WebMaps.
// This service exists because we learned from the ArcGIS JS API dev team that MapViews should not be destroyed because there are unrecoverable WebGL contexts/resources that cannot be reclaimed by the browser and can lead to app crashes. Here we are also re-using MapView containers/DOM nodes and WebMaps as an attempt at further memory optimization.
// This service will create and maintain a "pool" of MapViews; if a MapView is requested and none are in the pool available for use, it will create a MapView. As MapViews are no longer needed they are released and marked as being available for re-use at a subsequent time.
class MapViewService {
constructor(EsriMapView, EsriWebMap, EsriPoint) {
this.EsriMapView = EsriMapView;
this.EsriWebMap = EsriWebMap;
this.EsriPoint = EsriPoint;
this.mapViewDataList = [];
// Retrieves a MapView. If a MapView is not available, one will be created (along with its associated container/DOM node and WebMap). If an existing MapView is available, it will be retrieved and re-used (along with its associated container/DOM node and WebMap).
async getMapView(parentElement, mapViewProperties) {
// Find an available, existing MapView from the pool.
let mapViewData = this.mapViewDataList.find(
mapViewDataItem => mapViewDataItem.available
if (!mapViewData) {
// Create the container DOM node.
const mapViewEl = document.createElement("div");
Andy: Create a unique identifier in order to create an association between the MapView and its container/DOM nodes that will be used later to find and re-use a container/DOM nodes for a given MapView.
const mapViewId = (this.mapViewDataList.length + 1).toString();
mapViewEl.setAttribute("map-view-id", mapViewId);
// Place the container element where it should appear in the DOM (relative to the parentElement that was passed in).
mapViewProperties.container = mapViewEl;
Andy: added MapView.mapViewId as a property so that releaseMapView() now works correctly.
Before, it was endlessly creating new MapViews with each cycle causing a memory leak.
mapViewProperties.mapViewId = mapViewId;
const mapView = new this.EsriMapView(mapViewProperties);
// Store the MapView object instance, identifier for the MapView's container/DOM nodes, and that the MapView is not available for us (it will be used immediately by the client code that called this method to get a MapView).
mapViewData = { mapView, mapViewId, available: false };
console.log("mapViewDataList ", mapViewId);
} else {
// With an available MapView for re-use, mark that it will no longer be available because it's about to be used.
mapViewData.available = false;
// In the location of the DOM where the MapView containers/DOM nodes that were previously used and then released are stored, find the container element associated with the MapView that's being re-used via the unique identifier.
const mapsEl = document.querySelector("body > .maps");
const mapViewEl = mapsEl.querySelector(
// Move the container/DOM node tree from the storage location in the DOM to where it should now appear in the DOM.
mapViewProperties.container = mapViewEl;
// Re-configure the MapView with new parameter values. = new this.EsriPoint({
mapViewData.mapView.zoom = mapViewProperties.zoom;
const m = this.setWebMap(mapViewData.mapView);
Andy: I fixed/removed/streamlined a number of embedded promises, including removing async assignments
that were no longer needed.
await m.when();
return m;
// return mapViewData.mapView;
setWebMap(mapView) {
const portalItem = {
id: "55ebf90799fa4a3fa57562700a68c405"
// If the MapView already has a WebMap, re-configure it. Otherwise create a WebMap.
if (! { = new this.EsriWebMap({
return mapView;
return mapView;
// When a MapView is no longer needed, do what's needed to make it available for later re-use.
releaseMapView(mapView) {
Andy: check if a MapView is in the pool by comparing id's
This replaces the original (===) equality check that was silently failing when comparing two
non-primitive, complex Objects.
const mapViewData = this.mapViewDataList.find(
mapViewDataItem => mapViewDataItem.mapView.mapViewId === mapView.mapViewId
if (mapViewData) {
// Get a handle to, and create if it doesn't exist, the place in the DOM where we'll store the MapView containers/DOM nodes.
const bodyEl = document.querySelector("body");
let mapsEl = bodyEl.querySelector(".maps");
if (!mapsEl) {
mapsEl = document.createElement("div");
// Move the container/DOM node tree from the location where it was used to the storage location for later re-use.
// Mark the MapView as being available for re-use.
mapViewData.available = true;
// MapService is responsible for loading and tearing down a map. It is used for both the main map and the modal map.
class MapService {
constructor(mapViewService) {
this.mapViewService = mapViewService;
loadMap(parentElement) {
// Get a MapView. The MapView returned could be a re-used MapView or a new one if no MapView is currently available for use.
this.mapView = this.mapViewService.getMapView(parentElement, {
center: [-91.5, 42.5],
zoom: 9
return this.mapView;
// Clean up map-related resources and release the MapView for future re-use.
Andy: this method now allows you to specify a mapView in the constructor instead of depending on this.mapView.
Also MapView is no longer wrapped in a Promise.
teardown(mapView) {
], (
) => {
const mapViewService = new MapViewService(
const storageKey = "WEBGLTEST";
let timeoutID;
let counter = 0;
let kill = false;
const startTime =;
console.log("Test result", localStorage.getItem(storageKey));
const timeConversion = (millisec) => {
const seconds = (millisec / 1000).toFixed(1);
const minutes = (millisec / (1000 * 60)).toFixed(1);
const hours = (millisec / (1000 * 60 * 60)).toFixed(1);
const days = (millisec / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)).toFixed(1);
if (seconds < 60) {
return seconds + " Sec";
} else if (minutes < 60) {
return minutes + " Min";
} else if (hours < 24) {
return hours + " Hrs";
} else {
return days + " Days"
const countDownTimer = (delay) => {
if (!kill) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
timeoutID = setTimeout(resolve, delay);
else {
console.log("Stopping countDownTimer");
async function zoomInOut(view) {
await localStorage.setItem(storageKey, timeConversion( - startTime));
console.log("Test elapsed time: ", localStorage.getItem(storageKey));
await countDownTimer(2000);
await view.goTo({
center: [-91.5, 42.5],
zoom: 12
await countDownTimer(2000);
await view.goTo({
center: [-122.3, 47.6],
zoom: 15
await countDownTimer(2000);
await view.goTo({
center: [-122.3, 47.6],
zoom: 5
await countDownTimer(2000);
const mapService = new MapService(mapViewService);
const mapViewParentElement = document.getElementById("viewDiv");
const openModalButton = document.getElementById("openModal");
const modalEl = document.getElementById("modal");
// Clean up map-related resources and release the MapView for future re-use.
const closeModal = (mv) => {
console.log("Modal window closed");
const initStartButton = (mapView) => {
const startBtn = document.getElementById("startTest");
startBtn.addEventListener("click", async () => {
if (startBtn.innerText == "Start Test") {
startBtn.innerText = "Stop Test";
const runTest = async () => {
await zoomInOut(mapView);
if (!kill) {
console.log("Modal window open");
// Load a map in a modal. Subsequent modal appearances will re-use a MapView/container/WebMap.
.then((mv) => {
Andy: added watchUtils here to insure the MapView has finished updating before proceeding
watchUtils.whenFalse(mv.basemapView, "updating", async () => {
await zoomInOut(mv);
// Clean up map-related resources and release the MapView for future re-use.
else {
console.log("Stopping test");
else if (startBtn.innerText == "Stop Test") {
kill = true;
startBtn.innerText = "Start Test";
// return the mapView
.then((mapView) => {
Andy: added watchUtils here to insure the MapView has finished updating before proceeding
watchUtils.whenFalse(mapView.basemapView, "updating", () => {
console.log("updating false! ");
openModalButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
if (openModalButton.innerText == "Open Modal") {
openModalButton.innerText = "Close Modal";
// Load a map in a modal. Subsequent modal appearances will re-use a MapView/container/WebMap.
mapService.loadMap(modalEl, true);
console.log("Modal window open");
else if (openModalButton.innerText == "Close Modal") {
openModalButton.innerText = "Open Modal";
<button id="openModal">Open Modal</button>
<button id="startTest">Start Test</button>
<div id="viewDiv"></div>
<div id="modal"></div>
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