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Last active December 7, 2017 19:14
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# Is this preferable...
defmodule Invoice do
def execute(%Invoice{id: invoice_id} = invoice, %AddLineItem{} = add) do
# Generate %LineItemAdded and %InvoiceTotalUpdated using Commanded.Aggregate.Multi
# The %InvoiceTotalUpdated event would have the new total on it, calculated based on the
# existing invoice total + the new line item's total
def apply(%Invoice{} = invoice, %LineItemAdded{} = added) do
# Add line item to the Invoice aggregate's line_items list
def apply(%Invoice{} = invoice, %InvoiceTotalUpdated = updated) do
# Update the total for the Invoice aggregate
# or is this...
defmodule Invoice do
def execute(%Invoice{id: invoice_id} = invoice, %AddLineItem{} = add) do
# Generate %LineItemAdded, which has the new line item's data in addition
# to a invoice_total, calculated based on the existing invoice total + the new line item's total
def apply(%Invoice{} = invoice, %LineItemAdded{} = added) do
# Add line item to the Invoice aggregate's line_items list, AND update the total
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