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Last active March 31, 2022 08:53
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This is a list of articles/books/videos that have influenced me :)

There isn't a particular order to this list. I recommend them all but there are a couple that stand out. I have marked these with ✨



Videos / Screencasts


Articles / Blogs

Trends / Keeping up to date

  • Hacker News
  • Github trending repos
  • Thoughtworks Radar
  • Newsletters
    • Software Lead Weekly (SWLW) ✨
    • Hacker Newsletter
    • Devops Weekly
    • Cron.Weekly
    • Last Week in AWS
    • Security Newsletter
    • Better Dev Link
    • SRE Weekly
    • Bring the Donuts
    • Elixir Radar
  • Julia Evans' blog


  • Password manager (LastPass / 1Password / Passpack / Dashlane)
  • Node/python/elixir/ruby version manager (asdf)
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