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Created July 2, 2012 10:30
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A Small TCP Echo Server
require "socket"
s = 'localhost', 1234
s.puts "name: Andy"
s.puts "Hello World"
# requires node, coffee-script, node-terminal
# install nodejs then
# npm install coffee-script node-terminal
# run with `coffee`
PORT = 1234
net = require 'net'
terminal = require 'node-terminal'
msg = (user, action, message) ->
terminal.color('blue').write(" #{action}: ").reset()
server = net.createServer (socket) ->
name = socket.remoteAddress
msg name, 'arrived', "Welcome #{name}!"
socket.on 'data', (d) ->
for line in d.toString().split("\n") when line.length > 0
if match = line.match(/^name: (.+)/i)
oldName = name
name = match[1]
msg(oldName, 'changed names', "#{oldName} is now know as #{name}")
else if match = line.match(/^https?:\/\//i)
msg(name, 'opened', line)
require('child_process').spawn 'open', [line]
else if match = line.match(/^say: (.+)/i)
str = match[1]
msg(name, 'says', str)
require('child_process').spawn 'say', [str]
msg(name, 'sent', line)
require('dns').lookup require('os').hostname(), (err, add, fam) ->
terminal.color('green').write("Listening on IP: #{add} PORT: #{PORT}").reset().nl()
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