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Created March 24, 2016 20:19
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Pencil.gaming callbacks
public static GlfwMouseButtonFun mouseCallback;
public static GlfwKeyFun keyCallback;
protected virtual void Setup(){
// Setup mouse callbacks:
mouseCallback += HandleMouseClick;
keyCallback += HandleKeyDown;
Glfw.SetKeyCallback (keyCallback);
// this is my window resizing code
Glfw.SetWindowSizeCallback ((int width, int height) => {
Screen.viewSize = new Size (width, height);
needsResizing = true;
public void HandleKeyDown(Key key, Keystate state){
if (state == Keystate.Press && key == (Key) 'Z') {
UpdateTestState (testState - 1);
if (state == Keystate.Press && key == (Key) 'X') {
UpdateTestState (testState + 1);
if (state == Keystate.Press && key == (Key) 'K') {
UpdateSkyboxState (skyboxState - 1);
if (state == Keystate.Press && key == (Key) 'L') {
UpdateSkyboxState (skyboxState + 1);
if (state == Keystate.Press && key == (Key) 'J') {
UpdateSkyboxState (0);
public void HandleMouseClick(MouseButton mouseButton, Keystate state){//,int mouseButton, int buttonDown){
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
Glfw.GetMousePos(out x, out y);
// screenSpace = new Vector4(x, y, 0, 1);
//My math to flip the Y
Vector3 worldSpace = UnProject(new Vector3(x,Screen.viewSize.Height - y,0), renderQueue.modelview, renderQueue.projection, new float[]{0, 0, Screen.x, Screen.y});
Vector3 uiSpace = UnProject(new Vector3(x,Screen.viewSize.Height - y,0), uiRenderQueue.modelview, uiRenderQueue.projection, new float[]{0, 0, Screen.x, Screen.y});
if(state == Keystate.Release){
// Debug.Log ("button: " + mouseButton + " up at " + screenSpace.ToString() + " -> " + worldSpace.ToString());
// call your own helper functions if you want
MouseUpHelper (uiSpace.Xy, worldSpace, mouseButton);
// Debug.Log ("button: " + mouseButton + " down at " + screenSpace.ToString() + " -> " + worldSpace.ToString());
MouseDownHelper (uiSpace.Xy, worldSpace, mouseButton);
previousMouseDown = GetMousePos ();
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