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Last active February 21, 2022 19:47
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  • Save andyl/6360906 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andyl/6360906 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Bootstrap Mid-Small - col-ms-* - the missing grid set for Bootstrap3.
// This is a hack to fill the gap between 480 and 760 pixels - a missing range
// in the bootstrap responsive grid structure. Use these classes to style pages
// on cellphones when they transition from portrait to landscape.
// NOTE: Here I use SASS instead of LESS for styling. To convert to LESS
// replace '$screen' with '@screen' and '$grid' with '@grid'.
// See for more info.
// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the ms device range, from phones
// to tablets.
// Note that `.col-ms-12` doesn't get floated on purpose—there's no need since
// it's full-width.
@import 'bootstrap';
// ----- common styles - from twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/less/grid.less -----
.col-ms-12 {
position: relative;
// Prevent columns from collapsing when empty
min-height: 1px;
// Inner gutter via padding
padding-left: ($grid-gutter-width / 2);
padding-right: ($grid-gutter-width / 2);
// ----- col-ms breakpoints and related classes -----
@media (min-width: $screen-xs) {
.container {
@media (max-width: $screen-sm ) {
max-width: $screen-sm - 20px;
.col-ms-11 {
float: left;
.col-ms-1 { width: percentage((1 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-2 { width: percentage((2 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-3 { width: percentage((3 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-4 { width: percentage((4 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-5 { width: percentage((5 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-6 { width: percentage((6 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-7 { width: percentage((7 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-8 { width: percentage((8 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-9 { width: percentage((9 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-10 { width: percentage((10/ $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-11 { width: percentage((11/ $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-12 { width: 100%; }
// Push and pull columns for source order changes
.col-ms-push-1 { left: percentage((1 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-push-2 { left: percentage((2 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-push-3 { left: percentage((3 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-push-4 { left: percentage((4 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-push-5 { left: percentage((5 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-push-6 { left: percentage((6 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-push-7 { left: percentage((7 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-push-8 { left: percentage((8 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-push-9 { left: percentage((9 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-push-10 { left: percentage((10/ $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-push-11 { left: percentage((11/ $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-pull-1 { right: percentage((1 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-pull-2 { right: percentage((2 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-pull-3 { right: percentage((3 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-pull-4 { right: percentage((4 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-pull-5 { right: percentage((5 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-pull-6 { right: percentage((6 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-pull-7 { right: percentage((7 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-pull-8 { right: percentage((8 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-pull-9 { right: percentage((9 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-pull-10 { right: percentage((10/ $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-pull-11 { right: percentage((11/ $grid-columns)); }
// Offsets
.col-ms-offset-1 { margin-left: percentage((1 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-offset-2 { margin-left: percentage((2 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-offset-3 { margin-left: percentage((3 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-offset-4 { margin-left: percentage((4 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-offset-5 { margin-left: percentage((5 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-offset-6 { margin-left: percentage((6 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-offset-7 { margin-left: percentage((7 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-offset-8 { margin-left: percentage((8 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-offset-9 { margin-left: percentage((9 / $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-offset-10 { margin-left: percentage((10/ $grid-columns)); }
.col-ms-offset-11 { margin-left: percentage((11/ $grid-columns)); }
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I had the same issues as Jakobud. What i did was dumping the whole code into a .scss file, deleting the @import 'bootstrap' thing and replacing this

@media (min-width: $screen-xs) {
  .container {
    @media (max-width: $screen-sm ) {
      max-width: $screen-sm - 20px;

with this

@media (max-width: $screen-xs) {
  .container {
    @media (max-width: $screen-sm ) {
      max-width: $screen-sm - 20px;

Cheers mate. Thanks for the code.

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