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Created December 6, 2014 23:34
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R = React.DOM
nations = ['britain', 'ireland', 'norway', 'sweden', 'denmark', 'germany',
'holland', 'belgium', 'france', 'spain', 'portugal', 'italy', 'switzerland']
Typeahead = React.createClass
getInitialState : -> {input: ""}
handleChange : -> @setState input: @refs.field.getDOMNode().value
handleClick : (nation)-> @setState input: nation
matches : (input)->
regex = new RegExp(input, "i") nations, (nation)-> nation.match(regex) && nation != input
render: ->
R.div {},
R.input {ref:'field', onChange: @handleChange, value: @state.input} {} @matches(@state.input), (nation)=>
Button {handleClick: @handleClick, name: nation}
Button = React.createClass
onClick: -> @props.handleClick(
render: ->
classes = "btn btn-xs btn-default"
R.button {className: classes, onClick: @onClick},
$(document).ready ->
React.render React.createFactory(Typeahead)(), $('#typetest')[0]
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Nice thanks, I decided to covert it to JavaScript ES6, take a look here:

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