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Created June 13, 2010 08:50
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To illustrate a hxcpp bug.
#include <hxcpp.h>
#ifndef INCLUDED_A
#include <A.h>
#ifndef INCLUDED_Main
#include <Main.h>
#ifndef INCLUDED_haxe_Log
#include <haxe/Log.h>
Void Main_obj::__construct()
return null();
Main_obj::~Main_obj() { }
Dynamic Main_obj::__CreateEmpty() { return new Main_obj; }
hx::ObjectPtr< Main_obj > Main_obj::__new()
{ hx::ObjectPtr< Main_obj > result = new Main_obj();
return result;}
Dynamic Main_obj::__Create(hx::DynamicArray inArgs)
{ hx::ObjectPtr< Main_obj > result = new Main_obj();
return result;}
Void Main_obj::main( ){
Void run(){
struct _Function_2_1{
inline static Dynamic Block( ){
hx::Anon __result = hx::Anon_obj::Create();
__result->Add(HX_STRING(L"fileName",8) , HX_STRING(L"Main.hx",7));
__result->Add(HX_STRING(L"lineNumber",10) , 11);
__result->Add(HX_STRING(L"className",9) , HX_STRING(L"Main",4));
__result->Add(HX_STRING(L"methodName",10) , HX_STRING(L"main",4));
return __result;
return null();
Void run(){
struct _Function_2_1{
inline static Dynamic Block( ){
hx::Anon __result = hx::Anon_obj::Create();
__result->Add(HX_STRING(L"fileName",8) , HX_STRING(L"Main.hx",7));
__result->Add(HX_STRING(L"lineNumber",10) , 10);
__result->Add(HX_STRING(L"className",9) , HX_STRING(L"Main",4));
__result->Add(HX_STRING(L"methodName",10) , HX_STRING(L"main",4));
return __result;
return null();
::A_obj::__new()->callFunction( Dynamic(new _Function_1_1()))->callFunction( Dynamic(new _Function_1_2()));
return null();
void Main_obj::__Mark()
Dynamic Main_obj::__Field(const ::String &inName)
switch(inName.length) {
case 4:
if (!memcmp(inName.__s,L"main",sizeof(wchar_t)*4) ) { return main_dyn(); }
return super::__Field(inName);
Dynamic Main_obj::__SetField(const ::String &inName,const Dynamic &inValue)
return super::__SetField(inName,inValue);
void Main_obj::__GetFields(Array< ::String> &outFields)
static ::String sStaticFields[] = {
String(null()) };
static ::String sMemberFields[] = {
String(null()) };
static void sMarkStatics() {
Class Main_obj::__mClass;
void Main_obj::__register()
Static(__mClass) = hx::RegisterClass(HX_STRING(L"Main",4), hx::TCanCast< Main_obj> ,sStaticFields,sMemberFields,
&__CreateEmpty, &__Create,
&super::__SGetClass(), 0, sMarkStatics);
void Main_obj::__boot()
class A {
public function new() {}
public function callFunction(func:Void->Void):A { func(); return this; }
class Main{
static function main() {
new A()
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andyli commented Jun 13, 2010

"Main.cpp" is compiled from "Main.hx".

The program should trace out "f1, f2". But it traces out "f2, f1".
"Main.cpp" is generated wrong.

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andyli commented Aug 4, 2010

The following code will produce correct output, tested on windows with msvc 2005:

class A {
    public function new() {}
    public function callFunction(func:Void->Void):A { func(); return this; }

class Main{

    static function main() {
        var f1 = function() { trace("f1"); };
        var f2 = function() { trace("f2"); };
        new A()

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