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Created October 13, 2014 06:45
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Save andymac4182/7ccf1623017b3e6aa0f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hammer Setup 3s 5 inch props
Current Config: Copy everything below here...
aux 0 0
aux 1 1
aux 2 2
aux 3 0
aux 4 0
aux 5 0
aux 6 0
aux 7 0
aux 8 0
aux 9 0
aux 10 0
aux 11 0
aux 12 0
aux 13 0
aux 14 0
aux 15 0
aux 16 0
aux 17 0
aux 18 0
aux 19 0
aux 20 0
mixer QUADX
feature -PPM
feature -VBAT
feature -SERIALRX
feature -MOTOR_STOP
feature -SERVO_TILT
feature -LED_RING
feature -GPS
feature -FAILSAFE
feature -SONAR
feature -TELEMETRY
feature -VARIO
feature -3D
feature PPM
feature VBAT
feature FAILSAFE
map RETA1234
set looptime = 2500
set emf_avoidance = 0
set midrc = 1500
set minthrottle = 1150
set maxthrottle = 1850
set mincommand = 990
set mincheck = 1100
set maxcheck = 1900
set deadband3d_low = 1406
set deadband3d_high = 1514
set neutral3d = 1460
set deadband3d_throttle = 50
set motor_pwm_rate = 400
set servo_pwm_rate = 50
set retarded_arm = 0
set disarm_kill_switch = 1
set flaps_speed = 0
set fixedwing_althold_dir = 1
set reboot_character = 82
set serial_baudrate = 115200
set softserial_baudrate = 9600
set softserial_1_inverted = 0
set softserial_2_inverted = 0
set gps_type = 0
set gps_baudrate = 0
set gps_ubx_sbas = 0
set serialrx_type = 0
set sbus_offset = 988
set telemetry_provider = 0
set telemetry_port = 0
set telemetry_switch = 0
set vbatscale = 110
set currentscale = 400
set currentoffset = 0
set multiwiicurrentoutput = 0
set vbatmaxcellvoltage = 0
set vbatmincellvoltage = 0
set power_adc_channel = 0
set align_gyro = 0
set align_acc = 0
set align_mag = 0
set align_board_roll = 0
set align_board_pitch = 0
set align_board_yaw = 90
set yaw_control_direction = 1
set acc_hardware = 0
set mag_hardware = 0
set max_angle_inclination = 500
set moron_threshold = 32
set gyro_lpf = 42
set gyro_cmpf_factor = 600
set gyro_cmpfm_factor = 250
set pid_controller = 0
set deadband = 0
set yawdeadband = 0
set alt_hold_throttle_neutral = 40
set alt_hold_fast_change = 1
set throttle_correction_value = 0
set throttle_correction_angle = 800
set rc_rate = 90
set rc_expo = 20
set thr_mid = 50
set thr_expo = 20
set roll_pitch_rate = 100
set yaw_rate = 100
set tpa_rate = 50
set tpa_breakpoint = 1500
set failsafe_delay = 10
set failsafe_off_delay = 200
set failsafe_throttle = 990
set failsafe_detect_threshold = 985
set rssi_aux_channel = 0
set rssi_adc_channel = 0
set rssi_adc_max = 4095
set rssi_adc_offset = 0
set yaw_direction = 1
set tri_unarmed_servo = 1
set gimbal_flags = 1
set acc_lpf_factor = 4
set accxy_deadband = 40
set accz_deadband = 40
set acc_unarmedcal = 1
set small_angle = 25
set acc_trim_pitch = 0
set acc_trim_roll = 0
set baro_tab_size = 21
set baro_noise_lpf = 0.600
set baro_cf_vel = 0.985
set baro_cf_alt = 0.965
set accz_lpf_cutoff = 5.000
set mag_declination = 0
set gps_pos_p = 11
set gps_pos_i = 0
set gps_pos_d = 0
set gps_posr_p = 20
set gps_posr_i = 8
set gps_posr_d = 45
set gps_nav_p = 14
set gps_nav_i = 20
set gps_nav_d = 80
set gps_wp_radius = 200
set nav_controls_heading = 1
set nav_speed_min = 100
set nav_speed_max = 300
set nav_slew_rate = 30
set p_pitch = 48
set i_pitch = 48
set d_pitch = 40
set p_roll = 48
set i_roll = 48
set d_roll = 40
set p_yaw = 90
set i_yaw = 48
set d_yaw = 0
set p_alt = 50
set i_alt = 25
set d_alt = 0
set p_level = 100
set i_level = 10
set d_level = 100
set p_vel = 120
set i_vel = 45
set d_vel = 1
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