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Created March 25, 2016 14:12
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
* WebLocationChecker by @andyman404
* Licensed under Creative Commons Zero (do with it as you want, no credit needed)
* This script site-locks your Unity Webplayer/WebGL build.
* Add this script to an object in the first scene of your game.
* It doesn't do anything for non-web builds. For webplayer & WebGL
* builds, it checks the domain to make sure it contains at least
* one of the strings, or it will redirect the page to the proper
* URL for the game.
public class WebLocationChecker : MonoBehaviour {
/** if it is a web build, then the domain must contain any
* one or more of these strings, or it will be redirected */
public string[] domainMustContain;
/** (optional) or fetch the domain list from this URL */
public string domainListURL;
/** this is where to redirect the webplayer/WebGL page if none of
* the strings in domainMustContain are found.
public string redirectURL;
/** (optional) game objects to deactivate while the domain checking is happening */
public GameObject[] waitObjects;
/** (optional) these are characters to split the domain list file, if it is being used */
public char[] splitters;
void Awake() {
// deactivate all the wait objects first
ActivateWaitObjects (false);
// deactivate all the wait objects first
ActivateWaitObjects (false);
IEnumerator CheckDomain()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
// fetch domain list
if (domainListURL != null && domainListURL != "") {
WWW www = new WWW (domainListURL+"?r="+Random.value);
yield return www;
if (www.error == null || www.error == "") {
string rawDomains = www.text;
domainMustContain = rawDomains.Split (splitters);
// build a checking js and run it
if (domainMustContain.Length > 0)
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < domainMustContain.Length; i++)
string domain = domainMustContain[i].Trim ();
if (i > 0)
buf.Append(" && ");
buf.Append("('"+domain+"') == -1)");
string criteria = buf.ToString();
Application.ExternalEval("if((document.location.protocol != 'file:') && ("+criteria+")) {'"+redirectURL+"'; }");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
// reactivate all the wait objects
ActivateWaitObjects (true);
void ActivateWaitObjects (bool activeValue)
int waitObjectsCount = waitObjects.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < waitObjectsCount; i++) {
waitObjects [i].SetActive (activeValue);
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