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Created June 12, 2019 04:02
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function! RepWincmd(...)
execute (v:count ? v:count : s:rep[1]) 'wincmd' s:rep[0]
function! s:setup(rep, ...)
let s:rep = [a:rep, v:count ? v:count : get(a:000, 0, 1)]
set operatorfunc=RepWincmd
return 'g@l'
" optional number is the default shift amount
nnoremap <expr> <c-w>- <sid>setup('-', 3)
nnoremap <expr> <c-w>+ <sid>setup('+', 3)
nnoremap <expr> <c-w>< <sid>setup('<', 5)
nnoremap <expr> <c-w>> <sid>setup('>', 5)
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