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var replaceMessage = "I do not know what I want.";
var replaceMessageHours = 24;
var reviews = document.getElementsByClassName("review_box");
for (var i=0; i < reviews.length; i++) {
console.log("------- "+i+" --------");
//get all divs containing reviews
var recomended = reviews[i].getElementsByClassName("title ellipsis")[0];
//some are weird and hidden and will have no text for the recomended field. We want to skip those
if (recomended != undefined){
//how many hours did they play? The string in this box starts with the hours logged
var hours = reviews[i].getElementsByClassName("hours ellipsis")[0];
//turn it into a number
var splitString = hours.innerHTML.split(" ");
var hoursVal = parseFloat(splitString[0]);
//if they did not recomend and the played for more than a set amount, fuck with it.
if (recomended.innerHTML == "Not Recommended" && hoursVal > replaceMessageHours){
//get the actual review and change it
var reviewText = reviews[i].getElementsByClassName("content")[0];
reviewText.innerHTML = replaceMessage;
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