Hi Pythonistas,
Over 20 years ago, along with a few friends, we started the Vancouver Python User Group. Over those years we've had conferences, meetups and events. I've made friends with so many of y'all and learnt so much exciting stuff. For the last few years, Bryan and Seb did a great job of leading this group - thank you to all the many organisers who've kept this going.
During the worst times of the pandemic, this group came to a stop. I also stopped paying attention the last 5 years or so, because work and other demands just took up all my time.
Interestingly in this time Python has just grown in strength and has become the go to language for so many of the hot new things, from AI, machine learning and event that new Threads app, has a Python backend. The number of users keeps growing and the changes to the language, it's uses and application in everyday life continues to grow. Personally, after many years in management, I've started writing Python again and ❤️ it all over again.
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